Many of us have an issue with over-thinking: going into a mental spin and working ourselves up. Sometimes it’s with the overwhelm of all we need to accomplish, sometimes it’s because we’re taking things personally that aren’t personal (nothing is by the way), and sometimes it’s because we’re taking on too much/doing too much/trying to control everything. These are just a few examples, the point is, we over-think things to death. We harp on issues of, “What did he mean when he said that to me?” or “Everything has to be done perfectly and I don’t have enough time!” By the way, lack of anything- time, money- is a huge precursor to the mental spin. We think, think, think and what does all that thinking that bring about? Stress. As Louise Kay (not Hay) says, it’s time to “Stop thinking and start feeling!” We need to slow things down. (Which is the greatest irony of the fear of not enough time. By slowing down, we actually gain time). So how do we do that? When we’re in a spin and can’t quiet our minds, what’s the solution? Focus on your feet. “What?” you may be saying, “How is focusing on my feet going to help?” Here’s how- by focusing on your feet and really feeling into them, you get out of your mind and back into your body. The feet are connected to the root chakra so it’s a way to ground and anchor yourself in. When you’re grounded, you can respond more truthfully and with wisdom to what you need to do. You can let go of things that really don’t matter. You can be present to what’s in front of you and make empowered choices. The spin is tool of the negative ego; anchoring into the depth of your body is the way to combat that. I’ve recorded a short meditation to help you with this very thing. It’ll be especially useful for when the spin is so bad, you need outside support to slow down and focus. Bookmark this meditation so you have it available to help you when you need it most. And remember, all your power is in your ability to be present and grounded. That’s where the answers and insights can come easily and elegantly to you. So get out of your head, and into your body. Meditation Music by Marisa Imon
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The other day I was looking for a parking spot in a crowded area and so I asked for help. One appeared on the opposite side of the street. I didn’t feel like turning the car around on the tight street, so I ignored it and I circled the block. When I didn’t find anything else, I went back to get that spot and it was gone. Same thing happened again, I asked and I saw one, but it required me to turn the car in the other direction and I was lazy and didn’t take it. Consequently, I circled for 10 more minutes.
After 20 minutes of this, I realized that I was the one blocking my own receiving. I was saying I needed help, but I wasn’t accepting it. I was still trying to control it and do it the way I wanted. When I realized that, first I started laughing to break the energy, and then I acknowledged that I was the one preventing my own good. I apologized to myself and to the Universe, and I got myself into the energy of receiving what I was asking for. I really felt into that energy and allowed myself to accept that which I was wanting. I asked one more time for help, and wouldn’t you know it, a spot opened up right in front of me. Sometimes we ask for help but we block the very thing we’re asking for, and then we get mad at the Universe for not helping us. It’s not the Universe obstructing us; it’s our own selves. There are so many issues people have around receiving and what it means instead of simply allowing yourself to have the thing that you want. It’s a skill and it takes practice. You have to hold a space of receptivity for the things that you want. Many would prefer to do and control the action (masculine energy), versus relaxing back into surrender (feminine energy). However, there is tremendous power in receiving and allowing. This week, just be aware of where you block your own good. Awareness helps shift the patterns. Instead of getting mad about it, forgive yourself and make a different choice. Choose to receive that which you’re asking for. Change your mindset and breathe into any areas of restriction in your body. Open yourself up to have that which you desire. After all, the Universe really is here to support you. Allow, and receive, that assistance. Why do you do what you do?
This seemingly small inquiry can yield tremendous insights. The why of any action is important. Why are you avoiding certain foods, saving money, or doing your job, etc.? It’s easy to get programmed with, for example, “Well sugar is bad so I’ll avoid it.” Ok- but is that why strong enough to make you stop eating it or will it instead cause you to deprive yourself and then binge later? Or, “I know I should save money” - ok, should versus, “There’s this trip I really want to take so I’m willing to cut back on my expenses each month to save up.” That’s a strong why. How about, “I work because I have to make money.” Well you don’t have to, you choose to, so how about choosing a job you like? If you don’t like your job but can’t quit yet, what can you get behind in what you do? How can you create a strong why? Maybe to help people, to inspire, to be creative: can you infuse that in? If not, can you consider looking for work that is more reflective of your life goals? If you can look at the big picture why of any choices, you’ll be more apt to follow through. The motivation needs to be stronger than the resistance. So going back the examples above, if you’re going to limit food or finances, that why has got to be crazy strong or you won’t do it. For some, eating healthy because you feel better when you do is a strong why. But for others, like some of you I know reading this, that isn’t enough for the follow through. So what is? A long life? Having energy and stamina? Maybe climbing Mt Kilimanjaro - think big. Don’t make the why an avoidance of pain- ie: you won’t need insulin later. That’s not motivating. The why needs to jazz you. Same with money, because budgeting or saving will only cause kick back and rebellion unless you have strong motivation- your why. When you have a strong why, you become unstoppable. So this week I encourage you to find the reasons why behind everything you do. It will bring you clarity, insight, and the motivation you need to follow through. I want you to recognize something- sometimes your achievements are internal. It’s ok to say, as I did recently when catching up with a friend who asked what was new, “Nothing has changed in my outer reality but I’m not the same person I was a year ago. It’s been a time of tremendous awareness and inner growth.”
You may not be able to say, “Oh I accomplished this, this, and this,” but look at what you transformed in your inner world. Instead of comparing yourself to others and what they did, look at how you’ve changed this past year. In doing so, maybe you’ll find you can say, “Wow, I am very different from the me last year at this time. I’m owning more of my light, I overcame my habit of self-pity, I’m understanding the power of presence on a deeper level, I am conscious of my control and allowing trust in it’s place, I am less reactive and more calm,” – etc., etc. Yes accomplishing can be great and fulfilling, but it’s not the end all be all. How have you grown as a person? Do you spread kindness? Are you appreciative? Have you been creative today? Are you taking responsibility for your emotions? Measure your day by these, not by what society tells you are the yardsticks of success. Measure your success by your personal growth and by your evolution into greater consciousness. After all, when this life is ending, that’s what you’ll take with you. My wishes for you for 2020:
I wish you to genuinely know your value and worth and to live from them. I wish you to own more of who you truly are and to share the true you with the world. I wish for you to stop playing small or hiding, thinking it’s been done before and that no one cares what you think. I care. And others do too. I wish you to find inner peace and serenity: to be able to quiet your mind and emotions. I wish you presence so that you can truly be in present time, versus off in past issues or future plans. Present time is where your power lies. I wish you empowerment: may you truly live from a place of personal power, owning that no one has power over you except the power you give them. I wish you laughter: to stop taking the world, and yourself, so seriously and to find the humor where you can. I wish you self-confidence: to own the fullness of yourself without fear of what others will think or say. I wish you beauty, as it’s a tremendous healer. May you surround yourself with beautiful experiences and people who are beautiful on the inside. I wish you world travel, because it opens you up to new perspectives and gets you out of your comfort zone. I wish for you to truly live in a state of gratitude and appreciation for all you have, all you are, and for everyone in your life. I wish you neutrality: to be able to step outside your preconceived notions and ideas and be open to what’s in front of you now. I wish you freedom from all the limiting and stuck behaviors and patterns that have imprisoned you up until now. I wish for you to recognize that every act of kindness you do brings more light into the world. I wish for you to respect and honor yourself because you are greatly deserving of it. I wish for you to make peace with your body. It’s the vehicle with which you are in this world and nothing it does is an attempt to harm you. On the contrary, everything it does is in support of you and what you’re feeding it. So treat it with love and kindness. I wish for you to see yourself through the eyes of compassion versus judgment. I wish you forgiveness, for yourself and others, to release the prisons that hold the trauma in. I wish for you the ability to make a mistake without beating yourself up. I wish for you the joy of creativity without the imprisonment of perfection. I wish for you incredible joy and happiness, may you live the expansiveness of both. I wish you incredibly radiant physical health and wellness. I wish you emotional calm and sanity. I wish you spiritual growth and expansion. May 2020 be your best year yet!!! |
AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
February 2025