In sessions if I’m doing a Soul retrieval, I need to go to a very dark place, a dark place where the pain has gotten stuck. It can be easy to get stuck in that dark place, a place of perpetual pain, hurt, and despair.
When I begin to pull someone out of the dark place, when the light touches them, it’s painful. That high level frequency of pure love and light is too much for the intense darkness. It doesn’t want to be in the light, and yet, it’s the very thing that can bring profound healing. In a frequency of incredible love, I always witness as the person’s Higher Self and The Goddess herself, take over to pull that Soul aspect out of the dark place and into the light. While there’s the initial pain and resistance, once that aspect of Soul is held in the light again, it completely transforms. It becomes powerful and radiant. It simply forgot what it was like to be an aspect of the light. Once transformed, once integrated back into the whole, it won’t go back to that illusion and dark place of separateness. On a greater level, always feel your feelings fully and excavate them so they cannot control you, but don’t get stuck in them. Especially the dark ones. Because the longer you stay in the dark, the more you forget there’s a possibility of light. And not only does the world need your light, but you need to remember your light. Within that light is your love, your happiness, your joy, and your ability to be stronger and more powerful than any darkness going on in the world. Imagine a world in which we all did that, in which the energy of love was so strong it eradicated the darkness by its very presence. Open the door wider to the light. Welcome it, accept it into your heart. And then let it be bigger than the darkness.
Happy official start to Summer!
Color Oracle choices won the vote from last week’s blog by a landslide. Thank you to everyone who voted! This time, I heard very clearly that the colors do not correspond to the chakras like last time. The colors are simply the highest healing frequency for you at this moment and whichever you choose has the message you most need during this time of Summer Solstice (or Winter if you’re South of the equator). While I have an obscene amount of oracle decks (yes, I am obsessed), usually the same ones like to show up when pulling for everyone. But today, some of the more quiet ones wanted to talk to some of you. There's an overall hopeful feel to the messages which bodes well for the Summer. Before choosing: breathe, center yourself, get out of your head, open to your gut intuition, then ask yourself which color has your message. Note: some of the colors were very specific what shade they are this time. Green is forest green, blue is turquoise blue, and rose pink decided to join the group. And she was specifically rose pink, which is a deeper pink. Have fun and happy picking!! Red Oracle Card Rose Pink Oracle Card Orange Oracle Card Yellow Oracle Card Forest Green Oracle Card Turquoise Blue Oracle Card Purple Oracle Card I was at a very loud and overly crowded event the other night that didn’t have food I could eat, which wasn’t a good thing when I was already hangry.
It made me think: remember when you were little, and you’d have a meltdown if you were overly tired, hungry, or stimulated? The same happens now to our nervous systems but we ignore them or push ourselves harder, sometimes subbing caffeine or sugar for sustenance and sleep. We think our bodies should be able to handle it. But all that behavior does, is separate us from ourselves and rev up our bodies, sending them into consistent fight or flight. No wonder many people deal with adrenal fatigue or burnt-out energy systems. So, how to help your nervous system when it’s overstimulated? Well, if you realize you’re somewhere that’s too much, do what I did and leave. Get yourself proper nourishment and then do some energy clearing: 1st- Breathe. Come back to yourself. Spending time deep breathing and connecting to your body will instantly start the calm. 2nd- Clear the energy. You know I love the Archangel Michael prayer (here) and definitely separate out energy. Make sure you call your energy back to your body, give back what you took on, and energetically disconnect from the night. Either imagine closing the door on it or visualize unhooking from it, seeing yourself drop the hook out of your space. Do something to signify the evening is done 3rd- Ground yourself. You need to be in your body so that your nervous system stops panicking that you’ve left it. Sit on a chair/couch. Put your attention on and feel your feet on the ground. Breathe with your focus on your feet. Slowly move your attention up and feel the backs of your legs on the chair, being supported by the chair. Breathe and sink into your legs. When you're ready, slowly move your attention higher and feel your back resting against the chair/couch. Let your whole body relax, being held and supported by that chair/couch. Allow the energy of gravity to pull your personal energy lower, thus enveloping you in a slower frequency in which you can commune with yourself and release any frenetic energy. Imagine it dropping out of your body and energy field. Creating a grounding cord thus connecting to the core of earth, and running earth energy will take it a step further if you desire (reminder here). 4th- Imagine a beautiful blue, like the ocean or a waterfall, pouring down your spine, calming all your nerves and your entire nervous system. Allow this peaceful blue to continue streaming in while grounding and breathing. You can even imagine that blue sweeping out anything that’s not yours, sending it down that grounding cord and into the planet to be neutralized. Expand the blue to move throughout your whole body, not just your nervous system. Then imagine the blue filling your aura as well. Be cocooned in soothing blue energy. Do this until you settle down, feel present, and at peace. Then imagine above your head, a gentle rain of warm golden light coming in to fill, balance, and heal you. Once everything is complete, make sure you don’t pick up any devices or go online; that could knock you out again. Stay in quiet peace, reading a book, taking a bath or a shower, or going to bed. Know when you’ve hit your limit and nurture your body versus chastise or push it. Treat it with compassion. The more you do, the more your body and subconscious understand that your body is your ally, thus the more self-love that’s generated. Since the subject of being enough came up last week as well as in April, to augment it further, just like we did a few weeks ago with mattering, take a moment and repeat the following statements out loud until you feel them land in your gut:
I am good enough. What I do is enough. Who I am is enough. My enoughness is not based on anything external or anything I achieve. It comes from within. It's safe for me to release my fears and doubts and choose to feel enough. There will always be more to do, learn, experience, AND simultaneously I am enough in this moment, even as I expand into more. What I give is enough. What I give of my self, my time, and my energy is enough. Perfection is an illusion; I don’t have to be perfect to be good enough. I can make a mistake and I am still good enough. What I do for the world is enough. I’m not alone. It's not all on my shoulders to “fix” what I perceive as broken. In my enoughness, I can pause and rejuvenate as needed. I deserve to actualize my dreams, I am good enough to receive them. I release all need to prove my enoughness and simply own it as truth. As I do, I show up more empowered and more in my light. The more I own that I am enough, the more others are lifted into their own enoughness. I am enough and I am good enough. There’s a tendency of some people in the Personal Growth/New Age movement who say that if you get sick or need any sort of medication, medical intervention like surgery, or if you’re not feeling fabulous after following a certain protocol, something’s wrong with you. As if you’re not spiritual or evolved enough.
What an utter total and complete lie. It’s not about perfection, it’s about growth. Sometimes body’s need support through medication or surgery. And sometimes the most “natural” supplements or diets, are actually harmful to your particular system. Seek your answers and your truth, not how others are doing it. If you try a product or a program and it just doesn’t jive with you, maybe it’s not your thing. You don’t need to feel bad and wrong even if it works for everyone else around you. Comparison is an ego lure, trying to knock you off center; don’t buy into it. You are unique. And on the topic of Personal Growth shaming, I know some of you fall into the idea that you’re not enough because you’re not doing yoga, journaling, tapping, juicing, meditating, etc. etc. These things can be great tools AND you need to find the core things that work for YOU and stick with them, without distraction. Without the “not enoughness” underlying the push to do more, more, more. Personal Growth is about you being your best you. Spirituality is your personal connection with the Divine. Period. It’s not about what you do. No one is more “spiritual” than others. Listen, I tell you to ground because getting into your body and connected to the earth not only has a list of benefits for your emotional and mental state, but earth energy is phenomenally healing to the body. However, some of you have beautiful routines that get you present in other ways, separate of what I encourage, and that’s awesome! You’re not bad and wrong if you don’t ground. I’m going to keep talking about it because I know it’s power for me. But if it’s not your thing, find what is. The goal is to feel embodied and present. And sometimes what works best for you will change, and that’s okay too. There’s not a one size fits all. The greater lesson in all this is in owning your inner authority more and more and implementing what you most need to feel healthy and at peace. Then if someone tries to shame you, you can reject that energy while standing empowered in your truth. There is no right or wrong, there’s only what works and what doesn’t. Be kind to yourself as you discover your answers. Your personal growth and your connection to the Divine is uniquely and beautifully yours and while ever expanding, simultaneously, it is enough. |
AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
February 2025