With so many people on their phones all the time, we've stopped seeing the world. And when we do look up, we see what our belief system shows us. But is that really seeing or simply being aware of things that support our expectations?
We need a reset to see from a fresh perspective. Sarah Tacy taught me the beginning part of this exercise in presence. It builds upon techniques I've shared before. Right now, really see your surroundings from a neutral perspective, without story. Look around your room. What do the walls look like? Pause and notice the walls. Now notice something you like in your room. Really look at it and feel the feelings surrounding that item. If you’re at work and nothing makes you smile in your environment, stick with what’s neutral. If you have a window, look outside. Do you see nature? If not can you imagine nature? Observe nature for a moment. There’s no story with nature. The Oak tree isn’t hoping it becomes an Oak. The flowers live their individual purpose and beauty. If you can, step outside and breathe the air. Notice if it's hot or cool and if there's a breeze. Look at the leaves if there are trees around you, or a flower, or the grass. Maybe it's more of a desert environment and you see a lot of brown. Calibrate yourself to nature, if and when you can. Regardless of whether you’re outside or at your desk, now feel your feet on the ground. Take a moment to feel your body. Feel the temperature in the room. Pause for a moment and listen to the sounds around you. Engaging the senses further enhances your presence and grounding, in addition to calming your nervous system. When we're on devices a lot, we stop tuning into our environment. We stopped seeing the little miracles that could be there. But if you attune yourself to seeing more, not only will you become more present, but you’ll actually see more that there is to see. This week, step out of the stories, step into gentle neutral observation, and notice whole new worlds opening to you. Your Future Self thanks you. *If you prefer video, click here to see a slightly different version of this blog*
AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
February 2025