Yellow Card:
Your word until Spring Equinox is Power.
Specifically, your Personal Power.
With your Personal Power, in what situations and with what people do you own it? And when don't you?
Where do you shrink from your Power? Where do you give it away?
How can you own and feel more comfortable with it?
Can you say, "I am Powerful" and believe it?
If not, and even if so, that's your mantra for the next 6 weeks.
On a physical level, your 3rd Chakra is where you need to focus to release blockages.
Fill your 3rd Chakra to overflowing with Yellow Light to release those blockages.
It's fascinating to me that the card is the Bringer of Dawn since the color is Yellow. I love when the cards so clearly match their color.
Your word until Spring Equinox is Power.
Specifically, your Personal Power.
With your Personal Power, in what situations and with what people do you own it? And when don't you?
Where do you shrink from your Power? Where do you give it away?
How can you own and feel more comfortable with it?
Can you say, "I am Powerful" and believe it?
If not, and even if so, that's your mantra for the next 6 weeks.
On a physical level, your 3rd Chakra is where you need to focus to release blockages.
Fill your 3rd Chakra to overflowing with Yellow Light to release those blockages.
It's fascinating to me that the card is the Bringer of Dawn since the color is Yellow. I love when the cards so clearly match their color.