I remember the first time I felt shame around being a female. It was the summer after third grade, and I was developing early. At summer camp, other girls made fun of me. It was so confusing because up until then, I loved being in a girl body. I wore dresses all the time, I wore pink, I celebrated being a girl. But suddenly, I felt shame. I felt unsafe. I didn't fit in with anyone else and was ostracized. And then ultimately, I was bullied in fourth grade. It seemed that overnight, I went from loving dresses, to wearing baggy sweatshirts and anything to hide my body.
That theme continued, teaching me to rely on my masculine energy, rather than my feminine. Ultimately, this led to intense feelings of rage and an eating disorder in high school, most likely because I was denying a part of myself. I pulled out of my heart and body and went into head; it felt safer that way. This is one of the reasons I'm so good at working with rage, I know that energy firsthand. And I know how it can proliferate when you are either suppressing a part of you and being “good,” or when it's the only way you know to be heard. In my early 30's, I came to the channeled work of Lazaris. In one of the first lectures I heard, Lazaris spoke of The Goddess. And not one of the goddesses that I was obsessed with in my 20's such as Aphrodite, Athena, or Isis. No, this was The Divine Co-creator with God. As equals. Now, for some of you that concept isn’t unusual, but when growing up Catholic and being taught that priests (men) were the only ones who could be the intermediary to God- who was a singular male- plus all the church and societal messaging of women as less than, suddenly hearing someone speak of The Goddess as being the ultimate creator and God being her co-creator, that was pretty mind blowing. This started a deep dive into wanting to heal those feminine wounds. I still remember sobbing during the first meditation in which Lazaris had us meet and be embraced by The Divine Feminine energy. I felt so shameful, as if I wasn't worthy to receive that beautiful love. That is a wound of the patriarchy. It took me a long time to heal the shame from this lifetime, as well as from lifetime after lifetime of being persecuted as a woman or having no say in marriages or in one's life. Those scars are still evidenced in today's world. There are still arranged marriages. In many places, a woman is secondary to a man and less than. In some places, under the control and whims of her father. And yet, The Divine Feminine is rising again. But this time, to be in balance with The Divine Masculine. Not the distorted view of the masculine we’ve been taught- the Divine Masculine. So that together, we can co-create a new paradigm. And in order to do that, we need to heal from both the personal and collective scars and wounds of many thousands of years. But we’re doing it already. Because it's not just women who have suffered. Men are also at the sufferance of the patriarchy and the rigors of chauvinism. But for today, I'll speak to the women. Because of this, I paired up with my dear friend and fellow healer Elizabeth Hyer Rose to create a course to help women connect to The Divine Feminine and their own feminine. The beauty of their feminine. Because I know personally that as you begin to welcome in that energy and you feel the healing aspects of it, everything changes. I'm still healing it; it’s a work in progress. But I can tell you that my connection to The Divine Goddess has absolutely transformed my life in beautiful ways. The most profound is that there's no way I would have been able to meet my husband if I hadn't done the deep healing of releasing old female wounds. As I did, I was ready to be an equal partner in total balance with somebody who owns a beautiful frequency of The Divine Masculine. Connecting to my Divine Feminine has also expanded my heart and helped me to heal my rage to ultimately come from a much more loving place. If this sounds appealing to you, join Elizabeth and me next Wednesday October 9th at 5:30 Pacific for a free introductory class in which we connect you to the Goddess. Then if you want to dive deeper, we have a four-week course coming up. Click on the links below to learn more about both. FREE Class 4 Week Course
Carol K.
10/2/2024 10:39:41 am
This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing and for your vulnerability. I can't wait for the class next week. What timing with the eclipse today 💗
10/2/2024 10:46:15 am
The timing!!! Yes yes, sign me up! This is so perfect. Thank you for sharing your story. I really resonated with it 🙏🏻💖
10/2/2024 01:57:52 pm
This is serendipity. I had this deep realization this week that my goal is to be radically myself.
10/2/2024 05:34:47 pm
This is so, so BEAUTIFUL. Through your own vulnerability you're making it safe for girls and women to take their power back, power that they don't necessarily know they relinquished. Power that was gifted to them from the Goddess before they even took their first breath.
Brenda Norman
10/2/2024 07:37:30 pm
Congratulations, Tina! What a big step you've taken and are taking! And you've got a partner with Elizabeth, not all on your own, which is another marvelous aspect of what you're doing now.
10/3/2024 06:43:12 pm
This is soooo beautiful my friend ❤️
10/4/2024 10:14:26 am
This is such a moving and powerful share. Thank you so much for your openness and vulnerability! Cannot wait to learn more about this cause and experience the divine feminine rising collectively.
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AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
February 2025