I was thinking about more of what I wanted in this 2nd half of the year, when I thought to myself that I already knew my word for next year. And then I realized, "Why wait?! What a crazy thought! Why postpone what I want?"
Choosing a word for the year isn’t set in stone and my word was no longer inspiring me. So, I made a new choice. (For those new to this blog, click here to read an exercise I have everyone do each December) We can always make new choices and goals! Especially when we’re no longer motivated or inspired by previous ones. I heard something recently, which I hadn’t thought about before, that some people visualize goals with specifics. They see the concrete steps and accomplishments. For example, "I will do X, Y, & Z to create X amount of money in the next 3 months." That specificity motivates and excites them. They need that for their creations. I have a client who has a weight loss goal, and she knows her steps and plan to achieve that, down to the details of daily exercise and foods. Now, there’s another camp that I’m part of, where we have an idea of what we’d like to create, but it's the energies that we're desiring that are more of the pull. For example, "I’d like to ultimately see X in my reality, while in all areas, feel more freedom, more joy, more fulfillment and expansion." The energies are the motivators with the goal being present, but the specifics open. For example, using my client above, personally, her specificity would cause me resistance. So for those like me, the phrasing could be, "I'd like to feel fantastic and healthy in my body. Every day I'm going to acknowledge something I love about myself and do some sort of movement that makes me feel joyful, even if it's just dancing around the house for 5 minutes." Or for another example, if your word is self-love, you could ask, "what action or non-action would be most self-loving today?" There's more fluidity in both these examples, rather than specific action steps. (See my blog titled “The List” for more ideas on creating a desired outcome using both energies and specifics) Neither is better than the other, the question is, which style motivates you? For those who created their word for the year, how are you doing with it, and does it still serve you? Is that the frequency you want for the rest of the year and if not, change it like I did! And whether you did or did not come up with a word, think about how you'd like to feel in this next half of the year and imagine one goal that would make you feel accomplished. Something within your power to create. Then write it out and either with specifics, or feeling into the energy of it, look at it daily and allow it to inspire you. To help you reach for more. Let's make the 2nd half of 2024 incredible!
It’s time to talk about… The List!
Some of you are familiar with this technique as I’ve taught it to you, or you’ve heard variations from other people. This is one of my favorite tools when creating something new. Essentially, it’s a directive to the Universe, and your subconscious, for a creation you wish to manifest. The most widely used topics for the list are a new relationship, a new career, or a new job, but really, you could write one for anything. The fastest I’ve ever seen the list work is a couple of weeks; a client was already going in for interviews and the list made it very clear which job was his actual desire. And my client knew what to ask for once he was specific in his needs because of his list. The longest I’ve seen is a couple years, but many pieces had to fall into place for that list to manifest. I think there’s something to be said for trusting the Divine timing which is why you create the list and then let it go. Also, just because you’ve created your list, doesn’t mean you stop working on yourself, quite the opposite actually. You’ve made your list, now who do you need to be to receive your desires? You need to expand into the version of yourself that lives that list. So, how do you do it? You may want to make a rough draft first, I always do. Start thinking about the qualities that you desire in your creation. Make notes for a few days. Write everything in present time, as if you already have it. If you were to meet your ideal partner, what attributes do they have? Think about what’s important to you, what you value, and go from there. Maybe you write, in whatever pronoun works best for you, “She/He/They treat me beautifully and always listen. We have lots of fun together. They are evolved and conscientious. We love to travel together and do so often. They are kind.” There are some things on your list that you may keep more general such as the quality of being kind, and other things might be quite specific. For example, a client added, “He’s good to my kids and treats them like his own.” If you’re super specific that your future mate must look a certain way and needs to have brown hair, that’s quite limiting. Go to the qualities versus the appearance. My husband is my exact list, it’s crazy! And I was pushed into it by my girlfriends, lol. But I imagined what my ideal husband would be like, and I wrote it all out. Six months later, voila. Although I will say I had been working on myself for years to be in the space to have the partner I dreamt of. As for a new career or job, again, list the attributes such as, “I wake up excited to go to work every day.” Then you can also add specifics such as, “I set my own hours” or “I work 9 to 5” – this is where what’s important to you comes through as everyone will be different. You could also say things such as “I love my coworkers” and “I have unlimited vacation time.” It’s up to you how much structure and how much freedom. Some people like a lot of structure, and some people want none. If it’s for a job, I recommend adding, “I now make X amount of money, or better.” Always add the “or better,” because why not get more? Regarding a new career, one of my favorite stories is of a client who during her job search, was willing to branch out into another field. She knew the job would entail writing, but beyond that she was open, so she focused on the qualities she’d love in a new job. Not only did she find an amazing job in a new field that greatly interested her, but her job took her writing skills to advanced levels and opened up a new career path. Because of that shift, years later when it was time to move on, after she made her new list, she found a job that has skyrocketed her career success. And all because she was open almost 10 years ago. I have another client who’s made her list regarding jobs multiple times, always elevating her career and manifesting her list. It’s so successful for her, that she’s told prior coworkers to do it. She also knew that leaving her last job was taking longer than planned (by a couple years), so even though she had her new list, she realized she wasn’t done with whatever lesson the current job held. She knew she needed to learn the lesson to let go and manifest her new list. And she did. As I said, do your internal work and trust the Divine timing. So, how to do it: -Take a blank piece of paper and hand write your desires to infuse your energy in. -At the top of the list write, “My ideal _____” -Then list the qualities/attributes, whatever is most important to you, in present time. Write as much or as little as you desire. “My husband really listens to me and loves to spend quality time together.” “Our values are aligned. We see the world the same way.” "We communicate like adults and can be completely honest with each other." “My job expands my confidence in my field.” “I am now Director of Marketing.” “My boss respects my opinion and implements my ideas.” “I can work from home.” "While my work is challenging in an exciting way, when my workday is done, it's done, and I have plenty of time for myself." Etc. etc. -At the end, sign it, date it, and write, “This or better now manifests for me, in the highest and best way, for my highest and best good, with harm to none.” -Then tuck it away into a safe place- only you are meant to see the list- and TRUST in the process. Let go of control, do the work necessary, and trust. Happy Creating!!! And share your success stories; I love them and will happily celebrate your wins!! Every day, you have the opportunity to ask yourself: is what I’m about to do a priority, or a distraction?
We’re faced with that decision, multiple times, even if we never actually ask the question. However, becoming conscious of your actions helps you to truly know how you utilize your time and to recognize if what you’re doing is in support of bringing you closer to your goals and dreams, or away from them. Sometimes the distractions are so insidious, you don’t even realize it. Social media is a fabulous distraction. As can be cleaning or organizing, or filling your calendar with things to do. But if you’re feeling unsatisfied or unrooted, then the distractions have overrun the priorities. It’s time to get clear. What is it you’re wanting to accomplish in the near future? Write it down. Studies have shown the power of the written word. Post it somewhere you’ll see it daily. And then schedule your day and/or the way you spend money, to support that accomplishment. Watch your excuses as well; “I’m so busy!” can be a total excuse to not spend the time doing something fulfilling, or that’s an action step towards your goal. If you truly think you’re too busy, then start noticing how much you distract yourself by checking email or going on social media or watching TV. Are you actually so busy, or are you avoiding pursing your dreams? If it’s really a priority, then you may need to get firm with yourself and with all of those distractions. Because the distractions will always be there; it’s how you handle them that makes all the difference. You may not do it perfectly some days, and that’s OK. Some days you may absolutely need to disconnect and zone out. However, in general, consistent small acts can lead to huge shifts. Marie Forleo says, “Progress, not perfection.” When you claim your priorities and take action, even little actions, the Universe shows up to support you with synchronicities and assistance. So what is it you’re wanting to accomplish right now? And what captures most of your distractions timewise? The more conscious you can become of both, the more you’ll feel a sense of achievement when you hit your goals. “Progress, not perfection.”
This is a motto that Marie Forleo* stresses all the time. It’s quite brilliant because perfection is the antithesis of creativity. I know for myself, sometimes I want to do something perfectly and then I melt down if it’s not perfect. That or I don’t do anything on a creative project because I’m afraid it won’t be perfect. Either way, allowing perfection to control the creative process is detrimental and completely opposite of what creativity is: a way to express yourself and your soul. So what does progress mean? It means taking it one step at a time. Doing what you are able to in the moment, without getting lost on the end result and how you want it to look. Take whatever little steps you can towards your goal, without being paralyzed as to how you will ever accomplish it all. You won’t if you’re overwhelmed. Here’s a secret, overwhelm is a tool the negative ego uses to stop you. Think about it, if you’re overwhelmed, you either don’t do anything or you aren’t present to what you actually do because there’s so much else to get done. Both options prevent you from owning your power in your body, in present time. A great example of progress would be if you wanted to begin a meditation practice. You would completely sabotage yourself if on day one, you expected perfect focus, a quiet mind, and the ability to do it for a half hour. That’s unrealistic. Instead, aim for one minute; focused breathing for one minute. If you can do that, the next day, add more time; and so on and so forth. You cannot expect perfection on anything that you are just learning or anything you are starting to create. Progress is having perseverance through daily small actions. Many little steps lead to big changes. It does not have to be huge chunks of time, but it does need to be consistent to see the results you’re after. Think of yourself like an athlete. To run the marathon, you would train daily. You know the big picture, but you focus on what you can accomplish that day. It is exactly the same with a creative project, or a new vision you have for your life. And let me clarify that creativity isn’t limited to the arts. Creativity encompasses learning new skills, having a new vision for your life, redesigning your living space- really anything can be creative. Don’t limit yourself to thinking that I’m talking about painting a picture or writing a book. Do what you can now in service of your goal. Don’t wait. One step at a time. Trial and error. See what works, and what doesn’t. Perfection will only sabotage you and take you off track. Instead, stay in the now and do what you can. Feel the sense of accomplishment with every step, propelling you excitedly towards the next step. You can always edit, you can always re-do. Nothing is set in stone. Allow yourself the freedom to explore, create, and learn unencumbered. Progress, not perfection. Happy creating! (* if you don't know Marie, she's great, google her) |
AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
February 2025