I was listening to a discussion recently, and the sound healer I sometimes quote, Eileen McKusick, pointed out something that some of us know, but maybe hadn’t really thought about. There’s a phrasing in the romance languages where you have something versus be it. For example, “I am having hunger,” instead of, "I am hungry." Taking that premise, what would happen if we applied that principle to our emotions?
The wording, “I am” is an incredibly strong and powerful statement that we throw around all the time. When we use it, we claim ownership of whatever follows. Which is why you should be judicious with your words and thoughts. Now to the topic at hand: when you're feeling an emotion, instead of claiming it with an “I am,” what if you shift your thinking and you have it instead? Having something is temporary and transitory; it can pass through you quickly. Owning something is harder to shed and makes it more ingrained. Here’s an example: I woke up in a mood recently and found myself saying, “I am so crabby!” Then I started looking for the reasons why I was so crabby. As I was doing that, I realized I was beginning to create a story about the crabbiness, as well as an association – i.e., it was the food I ate or it must be a certain supplement, etc. Now maybe neither of those were the case and yet I was about to tell myself a whole story with negative associations and dig that crabbiness in even further. Thankfully I caught myself and with a swift, “cancel clear!”- my favorite way of deleting whatever negative thought I say/think- I decided to shift my experience. I started by saying, “I am having crabbiness.” I repeated it a few times. What that did first of all, was help me to acknowledge the crabbiness with nothing attached to it. It was simply what I was experiencing in that moment. A temporary feeling that I accepted and let myself express. The more I owned it as a temporary state, the more it began to dissipate. Every time I wanted to blame something or someone for my mood, I pulled myself out of victim, took my power back, and simply stated again that I was having the crabbiness. Without attachment. The next step was to choose what I wanted instead; remember the power of choice. I chose to feel calm and at peace. As I continued to do this, eventually, the crabbiness completely disappeared. This wasn’t immediate, nor did I feel completely calm right away, but I kept choosing it and I kept releasing waves of crabbiness when they would come up. Acknowledge, and release. I also had to remind myself who was in charge in my reality: my conscious aware self, or my emotions. I chose my conscious aware self. Now listen, all that being said, sometimes you’re straight up angry or sad for a very specific reason and you need to process that. In those cases, allow yourself to feel the emotion fully and vent everything going on in a responsible way, so that ultimately you can release the pain below the emotion. (See previous blogs on emotional healing) Why I write a lot about things like this, is because I want you to be more empowered throughout your day, not just when you’re sitting down to ground yourself. I want you to feel like you have the power to shift whatever is going on in your reality, because you do! So, if it appeals to you, play with this concept this week. Allow anything negative to be fleeting, so that you can focus on and create, more of what you desire.
It’s Oracle card time for the Summer Solstice!!
I know we did this recently, yet they were calling. So I asked what everyone needed to know during this time from the Summer Solstice, into the next few months. Now interestingly, there was one deck that had messages for each of you, whichever number you choose between one and four. Here is a little bit about this deck: “The White Light Oracle guides you into the luminous realm of the sacred. The sacred is your heart treasure. It is that which brings light into your life. The sacred is precious to you. It matters enough that you are willing to devote yourself to it even when that requires courage and growth. The sacred generates inner warmth. It brings you joy. The sacred is a healing mirror that shows you the truth of your experience, which can include a compassionate reflection of your own suffering. It shows you how to heal. It inspires and protects you. What is sacred for your heart is unique to you. Yet for every heart, the sacred is an experience of sublime love and deep meaning.” Clearly with the Summer Solstice, everyone was ready to receive whatever information is needed to help you more deeply connect to the sacred in you. As always, center yourself, breathe, ask your unseen team what you most need to know, get out of your head, trust your gut, then pick. If you always go to a specific number, don’t just automatically go there. Allow yourself to be led to the message/number you most need today. Happy picking and may your number bring you clarity and insight! Oracle Card Number One Oracle Card Number Two Oracle Card Number Three Oracle Card Number Four For many people, pleasure isn’t something that’s actively sought daily, as there’s such judgment on pleasure equating being hedonistic. Pleasure also seems to be dismissed in the quest of being “spiritual.” But what is spirituality without pleasure?
We’re in bodies. We’re here to learn more by being in our bodies, not trying to elevate out of them. Many religions shame bodies as sinful, base things. They teach that Source/God frowns upon pleasure, therefore for some of you, when you feel pleasure, there’s guilt involved. But didn’t Source/God create bodies? Don’t you think pleasure was put in for a reason? Here in the United States, the puritanical message from our forefathers is still strong. Even if your ancestors came over more recently, that puritanical vibration is still felt and causes subconscious restriction and judgment regarding pleasure. The dictionary defines pleasure as, “An event or activity from which one derives enjoyment.” Joy is one of the highest vibrations we can have, so to be in joy, is a wonderful thing. Instead of trying to be so “good” all the time and controlling your body, what if you gave yourself the freedom to enjoy the taste of, i.e. a piece of chocolate in your mouth, or a spoon full of that ice cream you love so much. There can be pleasure in lingering over your morning coffee/tea while looking at the sky or reading the paper. Pleasure can come from the books you read, being out in nature, doing something physical that feels good, being creative, listening to music, or even watching a sunset - the list is endless. Anything that engages your senses (thus, sensuality)- what you see, what you feel, what you touch and hear- all of that can be phenomenally pleasurable if you allow it. We’ve been taught there’s such nobility in restraint and self-control, how about instead looking for balance? Balance means a glass or two of wine versus a bottle, a piece of cake versus the whole thing, a run that feels good versus pushing your body to exhaustion and pain. We go overboard when we’ve been denying ourselves for too long. In rebellion, we say “screw it” and become over indulgent, which could lead to feeling worse the next hour, or morning, thus descending one into shame again. The solution is balance, balance, balance. It’s beneficial to allow yourself to experience pleasure. It’s good to receive pleasure. Can you take that in or does that trigger you? We have a pain body, but we also have a pleasure body. Is your pleasure body being fed? Or are you constantly starving it and keeping it locked away? Here’s something to consider: If you’re more interested in controlling and keeping righteous guard over your body and spirit, over time you will siphon out all the joy in your life. Our bodies are miraculous. And just like the plants and animals around you, you need to feed yours with kind words and beautiful thoughts and experiences, versus beating it down any chance you get. You will never fully thrive if you constantly berate and deny yourself. The way to elevate your consciousness and to have more bliss in your life, is to engage your senses and experience more pleasure. Hang up the need to control, kick out the shame and guilt, welcome in balance, and delight in your body and spirit. Pleasure awaits. I write a lot about being the light and the light being more powerful than the dark.
What I’ve been observing/learning more and more, is how a strong third chakra is necessary to creating a strong outer boundary. The third chakra is located in the stomach area, its color is yellow. The third chakra deals with issues of personal power. The biggest obstacle to a healthy and vibrant third chakra is feeling powerless, which leads to a lack of boundaries and a more permeable energy field, whereby you take on everything in your surroundings. The antidote is being so fortified within yourself, that nothing penetrates in. In regard to what I said at the top about the light being more powerful, it’s helpful to realize what may be stuck in your space that says the opposite. Sometimes it’s from past lives, or this one, of believing that you’re here to be a warrior against the dark. That it’s necessary for you to battle evil and put yourself in harm’s way in order to prove your worth. Think about religion telling you fight the devil. Remember, what you battle, sticks to you. If you were taught that Satan (darkness) is so powerful that you don’t stand a chance, no wonder you don’t believe in your power to change things. Even if you didn’t grow up in a religious household, the idea of an all-powerful devil is in the collective consciousness, so you’re not immune to its influence. Beyond that, many times powerlessness stems from when you were a child and you felt helpless against the adults or “authority” figures in your life. They felt so big and looming, and you were unable to protect yourself as they had all the control. That translated into being powerless to protect yourself against anything outside of you. When you’re stuck in powerlessness, you’re outside the third chakra, off to the left. Outside the body on the right side of that chakra, is anger and rage. Sometimes you ping-pong between the two. And sometimes feeling powerless can create feelings of anger. When you’re stuck in either emotion, you’re not in your body. One of the places intuition comes from is your gut, so you want to have your energy there. The third chakra also corresponds to the upper part of your digestion system so if you have repeated digestive distress, that’s another clue that you need to clean out what’s stuck in there emotionally or energetically. I’ve talked about how to pull your power back, you can reference it here, and that’s something you need to do often. Think about how much you give your power away to anyone/anything in your reality. You give people the power to affect your mood. You give people you’ve never met on the news the power to shift how you perceive reality. When you're externally focused, you leak power left and right; call that power back. Put your hand over your stomach right now. Feel your consciousness sinking into that space. Notice if you're critical of your stomach area and release those feelings. Send love there. Send your energy there. Imagine your energy as a ball of radiant yellow light, like a sun. Let that massive sun part of you expand into that space. Recognize if part of your energy is off to the left or off to the right and pull it out of anger, pull it out of powerlessness- pull it into center. Be in your center. Be in your power. As you come into that chakra, it might feel like that ball of radiance is very teeny tiny, or maybe nonexistent. Don’t judge it, start feeding it. If it’s nonexistent, call your power back from everywhere and everything you gave it away to throughout your life. Keep stoking that fire. The third chakra is also the seat of will. And if that fire has gone out, you’re not going to have the willpower to do what you want. Imagine more and more of your light coming in and filling the space of your third chakra. You can create a shield around you like I’ve taught you, but you also need a radiant shield coming from within. Dark energy may still occasionally get through because as I like to remind you, you’re human. However, the more you can fortify and embody your third chakra, the more impenetrable your outer boundary will be. There’s a big influx of light coming onto the planet and it’s been that way for a while now. Things are shifting and changing. How do you want to create this new earth? Do you want to continue giving your power away to everyone else’s images and maybe their dystopian ideas? Or do you want to claim your power and the vision you have of beauty and goodness and harmony? Stop giving away your power, and own your future. Your light is indeed more powerful than any dark. I don’t think we’re ever truly confused when it comes to making choices. We may say we are, but underneath, it’s usually because there’s fear blocking what we think we can have. Of our choices, one choice is the “shoulds” that speak to what’s expected of us or our duties and obligations, and the other choice is our true desire. For a myriad of reasons, we don’t think we can claim that which we truly desire, and so we create confusion.
It can be scary to follow your dreams or to walk away from something/someone. It can be scary to declare the path you’re drawn to taking. So as a subconscious protection from stepping out and owning what we really want, and potentially disappointing/upsetting our family/friends, we get confused. But all that confusion is just noise. Noise preventing us from knowing the truth of what our gut really says. You need to drop out of the noise and go down into the gut. Start with this: the next time you feel confused when faced with a choice, get out of your head, out of what everyone else says and what you think is “right,” and ask in the quiet stillness of your gut what direction to take/what your answer is. Be still and listen. It may not come at first. There may be programming to unravel of all the times you acquiesced or surrendered your will. But the answer is there. As is the knowing. They’re not in your head, they’re in your gut. When you get your answer, then act on it. Even if it’s out of your comfort zone, even if it’s scary. Change your perception and translate the fear as excitement and good nervousness for all the amazing things coming your way as you follow your truth. Don’t worry how others will react. It’s your reality, you need to create a life you’re proud of. When people are dying, they regret the things they didn’t pursue, the courage they didn’t call upon. Don’t create a regret, create what you most desire. Move out of confusion, allow and receive clarity, and then move forward in the direction of your dreams. |
AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
October 2024