I’ve spoken of authoring your reality, and as we currently have access to very expansive energies, now is a perfect time to visualize/claim/own what you’re wanting in your reality.
I’ll admit, I don’t always do these types of exercises when people tell me to because there always seems to be so much pressure to do it “perfectly.” That’s why, doing it the way I’m going to describe, takes the pressure off and makes it fun and imaginative. Start simply- just daydream and imagine: “If I had a magic wand, what would I create in my reality? What would bring me joy?” Think about the things you desire for yourself. If you like to write, write it out; there's power in the written word. Imagine that your pen is magical and as you write, you manifest. Write it in present time. Radiant health is a wonderful thing to claim, and maybe you stop there, but how about getting even more specific with what that looks like: “I wake up joyous and filled with energy, vitality and motivation. I feel happy and at peace in my body. My whole body is radiantly healthy with minimal signs of aging. In fact, I look decades younger than I am. And I feel so fantastic physically!” Can you feel how the specificity gets you excited and energized? Suddenly the idea of radiant health is something you can get behind because of the many details. As you dream about your future, ask yourself, “What does my house look like? What do I do in the morning? What am I looking at when I have my cup of coffee/tea?” These small details begin to weave the bigger picture and bring life to your imaginings. Release all pressure of having to accomplish these things and them being on a to-do list, and just play with your ideas! If you get stuck, Gabby Bernstein suggests people create from the idea of, “What if…” For example, “What if I landed my dream job (describe it) and then tripled my current salary? Then with that salary, I bought a home in (fill in the blank) that was in my favorite style. And then, what if I was able to travel more and…and...” As you ask the "what ifs," again, you can feel your joy elevating you as you entertain better and better possibilities. Delving into the details helps heighten your creations, bringing them life and substance so they can actually manifest versus just being ideas floating in the ether. Once you start with the pieces you desire, ask your Higher Self for help in designing a life beyond what you can imagine. Let it be fun, and Happy Authoring!
I’ve taught this to many of you over the years, but lately it’s been coming up more often, so I figured I would put it out there for everyone.
This is a technique to help you own a new space- house, apartment, or temporary living situation- by infusing it your energy. When you claim a space as yours, it helps you to feel more grounded and safe within that space. It will also help you settle in much more quickly. And even though I said it's for a "new" space, you can use it for your current one, especially if you've never felt settled there. I once had a client use this technique in a theatre where she was performing. It helped her be more present and comfortable on stage. So while it's usually used for a living situation, feel free to get creative as you need. Here’s how you do it: First, walk around the space and notice the layout: all the corners in all rooms and each room’s general shape. When you can visualize that clearly, then either literally or figuratively, depending on if it's possible, stand wherever the center of the house or apartment etc. is. Starting in whichever room you want, begin to imagine golden cords of light, like a rope, streaming towards you from each upper corner of that room, down and into your dominant hand. Then imagine ropes/cords of light coming from every bottom corner of that same room, and into your dominant hand. When you’ve finished one room, move on to the next, all the while staying stationary in the approximate center of the house. As you gather the cords, it should look as if you’re holding strings from a huge bunch of balloons. As you practice and get better at this technique, it becomes easier to stand in the center of the house and imagine these cords coming to you. However, if you’re in a space with many odd shaped rooms and the way I described seems too hard, you can also do the technique in one room at a time, gathering your cords, while walking from room to room. For some, this is a preferred method in that as you walk the space, you really see the outline of the house/apartment and are able to inhabit it more fully. After you've been in every room, while holding your bunch of cords, then move to the center of the overall space. Once you have all the cords gathered in your hand, with complete authority and ownership claim, “my space!” and lift your hand and slam those cords down into the center of the planet. Imagine them going all the way down to the core of the planet and rooting/anchoring in. Let go of the cords. Now imagine/visualize a golden light emanating from each corner of the whole house/apartment, expanding out to create a ball of light around the outside of the overall space. Your energy is now able to fill the rooms and the entire space. If you’re in an apartment building, only do this for your apartment, not the whole building. Let the ball surrounding the space only surround your apartment. If you live with others, when it comes time to claim the space, claim it in the name of each of you. Even though you’re doing the visualizing, before grounding those cords say, “I claim this space in my name and the name(s) of…” If you don’t add them in, generally it’s not an issue, but sometimes your energy can become so dominant in the space, that the others who live there will feel squished and irritable without knowing why. So be respectful. May this bring increased harmony to your living situation! Today I’m sharing a technique for those occasions when you’re undecided between two options. I know I recently wrote a blog about what could be underneath indecision (see here), and truly we always know the answer inside, but sometimes stuff gets in the way of us accessing that knowing. When faced with choices that seemingly could be good for different reasons, here’s a way to gain clarity. This will help you feel your intuition’s wisdom.
You can use this for a job, a move, - really anything. Here’s what you do: Set aside two chairs, side by side with a good amount of space between them. Grab two small pieces of paper and a pen. On one piece of paper, write the name of one option. Keep it simple, just the title you want to give it. While you’re holding that paper, think about all the different aspects of that particular option. For example, if it’s a job, infuse it with the location, the people who’ve met so far, your title- anything you know already. Think about all of that and imagine that energy flowing into the paper. When you’ve really infused it with every aspect of that option, set it down on a chair. Then pick up the other piece of paper and do the same thing with the second option. Put it on a different chair. Now, close your eyes and while standing or sitting on a chair without any paper on it, feel your feet on the floor. Imagine roots growing from your feet down into the center of the planet and imagine a strong root/cord/tree trunk growing from your tailbone down to the center of the planet. Hook those roots from both areas in. Bring your attention back to your body. Pull all of your energy tightly into the center of your body with every inhale.* Put your hand over your stomach and sink your awareness there. We want your gut wisdom engaged, not your conscious mind. Take a few deep breaths. When you’re ready, open your eyes, pick up your papers, shuffle them without looking, and then place them face down on each chair. This will prevent any pre-conceived ideas about which choice is “right,” as well as any negative ego interference. Once you have both pieces of paper on different chairs, sit down on one of the chairs, and notice either overt, or subtle things, that you start feeling. Does your body feel lighter? Heavier? Do you feel happy? Angry? Do you want to stay seated or are you wanting to get up quickly? Notice everything that comes up, even the very faint sensations. Nothing happening can be a sign too. Or it can mean you’re over-thinking and not feeling. You’ll know which it is when you move on to chair two. When you’ve gotten some awareness, stand up, and literally shake off that energy. Move your whole body: shake out your arms and legs and even jump a couple times. Then ask yourself to come back to neutral. Briefly ground again, breath, center, then tap your heart area and drink some water. When you’re neutral, sit on the next chair and do the same thing; notice what comes up. If on both chairs you feel nothing, then you’re not in your body. You need to root in and open your gut intuition to receive your answers. Ground more deeply or do something physical to anchor into yourself. Then try again. Be patient, maybe you’re out of body more than you realize. That itself is a good message to receive. Even if it’s subtle, you should be able to tell which chair you prefer to sit on. That will be your answer. Your gut intuition will not lie when it comes to sitting on the energy. Your innate intelligence knows the answer, let it speak. When you’ve chosen which chair you prefer, turn the papers over and see the answer. By the way, sometimes you might be bummed with the answer. What a clue! You knew all along what you wanted. But your body isn’t lying so either you misinterpreted something, or your need to explore one option is stronger than what your gut says. In those cases, just know that going in. As you work with this, let me know if you have any questions. May this bring you incredible clarity and insights. * See previous blogs on grounding if you're unfamiliar with how to do what I'm describing. It's a perfect time to talk about freedom today since here in the U.S., we just celebrated our Independence Day. I know I’ve written about it before, but it’s something that many forget to acknowledge: how lucky we are to have the freedoms that people in other countries, and sometimes even other U.S. States, don’t have. We’re only as free as those around us. If there are oppressed peoples in the world, then we don’t have as much freedom as we could because we're impacted by that resonance.
Take for instance Afghanistan- the Taliban just outlawed music. Music! They say it’s associated with sin and anybody caught playing it will be put to death. Death! If you put on music and danced around the room recently, can you imagine that that could cause death in another country? Sound is incredibly uplifting and has the power to transform darkness into light. It doesn’t surprise me that that’s the last thing that those in power want in that area; they want to be entrenched in the dark. Let's take a moment right now and collectively, everyone reading this, send light to an area of the world in which the freedoms are phenomenally repressed. Maybe Afghanistan is where your heart is drawn to helping, or maybe there are other areas in which the freedoms are horribly restricted that move you on a soul level. Send some support now to those who are trapped in the darkness and would like freedom. Imagine embers of light filling their hearts and minds, helping create transformation. This is how you make a difference in the world; you send light/love/energy to those who don’t have what you have freely. Turning the attention back on you, because nothing changes until you do, where can you be freer in your own life? Where do you restrict yourself to the point of rigid control instead of allowing flow and joy? Send light to those places in you as well. Next, give gratitude for the freedoms you do have: the freedom to love who you want to love, marry who you want to marry, live where you want to live, wear the clothes you want to wear, to drive, to protest and speak your mind, etc. Don’t take those freedoms for granted. You even have the freedom to think what you want and create your life based on your beliefs. That’s huge! This is a planet of free will- own yours and never surrender it. The more you value freedom and appreciate it, the more the energy of freedom can increase in the world. Let’s bring more light and more freedom into being through our focus and appreciation. Together, we can move mountains. |
AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
January 2025