I have absolute faith in the future. Unwavering and complete faith. I have total faith in the world becoming new.
How, you might ask? Because I have chosen it, over and over, and I feed the future I want to see for the world, with not only my energy and attention, but also with my love and light. I know we didn’t come all this way to have things fail. And by “all this way,” I mean lifetimes of soul growth and conscious evolution. I certainly didn’t. We’re birthing a new world. A NEW world. That doesn’t happen overnight. The old Piscean age model of “power over” needs to crumble and be cleared out to make way for a new way of being: one of co-creation and cooperation with each other, and with the planet. I know some of you may not see this. Some of you only see darkness and destruction. You aren’t able to see the light of possibility. Fear has won over your imagination. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Remember, you create your reality. You. Not government leaders, not anything external, you. What do you want to see for the world? And do you want your negative ego/your fear to be in control? Or do you want to choose and consciously look for the light and let that win? It’s a choice. You choose how you see the world. Do you choose to see the problems, or focus on the solutions? I’m not in denial of all that needs healing in our country and the world- not even close. If you’ve followed me long enough, you know that I’m not all love and light. I absolutely remind you that you have got to deal with your own personal darkness and excavate your rage and pain etc. You can’t just go right to a positive attitude if you don’t believe it. If you can only see through the eyes of fear, acknowledge that, work on it, and clear those energies out. If you feel dread, if you feel powerless, if you feel threatened - work through all of them. You’ll see in the world that which mirrors your beliefs. If you’re tied to seeing the dark, what part of you has abdicated power? What part wants to, or is stuck in, seeing the nightmare? What do you get from that path? It might not be pretty: Maybe self-pity- “Omg look how awful others are. Poor me, I live in this dark reality.” Or blame- “I have no say, they’re doing it to me, to the world, it’s their fault.” Or rage that feeds righteousness- “They’re bad and wrong so I need to fight them and punish them back.” These are just a few examples, and none of them are pleasant, but you need to be honest with yourself as to what emotion is holding you, and your imagination, hostage to a negative world view and in a power struggle with darkness. What you struggle with persists, until it’s healed. When you can heal that in you, there will be less of it in the world. That’s part of being the solution. Heal you first and have less darkness in you first. Then go back to your empowerment and faith in what you DO want to see. Of course, that’s not always going to be easy- hello- you’re human – and: Stop giving your power away. Own that you are powerful, and you choose which to feed: the light or the dark. Own your light. And if that scares you, dive into why you’re stuck on you not mattering or being shameful etc. What is the story you want to tell about the world? What is the story you want to tell about your place in the world? Are you a champion of the light, or perpetually fighting the dark, getting mired in it, and exhausting yourself? Just as turning on a light in a dark room eradicates the dark, the more light you are, the less dark that exists. I’m standing for the light. Will you join me?
As we get closer to a Presidential election, I want to remind you of the power of your voice.
Some of you very fervently recognize the power of casting a vote. And some of you hate the system so much, that you don’t care, and you don’t bother voting; you think it doesn’t matter. I’m here to tell you that it does. Now before you dismiss me, I want you to look at the bigger message that you’re telling your subconscious when you refuse to cast a vote. Essentially, you’re telling yourself that you have no say. That forces outside your control will decide things anyway, and you are powerless. You’re telling yourself that your voice doesn’t matter. That’s a dangerous message to affirm to your subconscious. You may argue with me and say that no, it’s simply that you’re fed up, but look below that. Really recognize what you’re teaching yourself about your powerlessness by your inaction. If you’re a woman, do you know what it took to get women the right to vote? If you truly don’t know the history, then you need to look it up. Women went through awful, awful circumstances to be able to gain that privilege. Do not turn your back on that. There are countries now in 2020 where women have no say. Don’t willing deny your voice. If you feel apathetic, that apathy will spill into other areas of your life. If you’re mad that your candidate is not up there, it’s not a perfect system. However, you need to truly look in your heart to see who you think has the leadership qualities or the ability to match what you want in a leader. By your vote, you say what you do and do not stand for. You are no victim. If you don’t like the way things are turning out, then speak up by casting a vote. Own your empowerment. Your vote matters. Your voice counts. Today I’m releasing a new grounding meditation. Why you might ask when I’ve done this before? Because we need to be grounded and present more than ever.
It’s not enough to do as I’ve said in the past and just see the grounding cord go into the earth. Now it's necessary to be extra specific and root into the inner core. Many are grounding on a more surface level and thus feeling the chaos in the world, versus the deep, earthy, gravitational healing energy. In the meditation, I also help get you centered into yourself and disconnected, in a good way, from the amped up energies around you. This is something you do daily. When you start your day this way each morning, you will respond to people/circumstances from a place of more empowerment. There’s a reason I’ve done this consistently each morning for over 25 years now. It doesn’t mean you won’t have issues come up, but when you’re grounded and present, you’ll be better equipped to handle what does arise. Some notes: - Disconnect your current grounding cord every morning, or before each time you create a new one. Life happens and situations may arise that knock you out of your body and in need of a new cord. I imagine my current one easily unhooking from each chakra and from my aura, and dropping away. Then I picture it exploding. - You may need to create a shield more than once in a day if you take on someone else’s stuff or if you lose your space. Again, it’s not infallible, sometimes you need to re-create it. If you’re in a conversation with a difficult person, make sure part of you is aware that your shield is up. The more you become aware of it, the more you’ll feel the effects. - I say "shield" versus "protection." Here’s why: Right now, say, “I need protection.” How do you feel? Maybe a little scared? Then say, “I need shielding.” Notice the difference in your body. Saying you need protection weakens your system as if something external can infiltrate and overtake you. Shielding brings you to a state of empowerment within yourself. As if you’re a warrior. The only other thing I’ll add, is make this personal for you: play with shield colors, grounding styles and colors- find what works best for you. Veer from my map if you desire and create something that resonates and that you’ll do consistently. Happy grounding and may it help you feel much more present and empowered! Are you reading these words or already skimming them to move on to the next thing?
Stop. Breathe. Be present. You need to ground and be here. Many of you have heard me say that I noticed a trend when the Covid lockdown started, that I needed to clear these odd cords of energy I was seeing in people’s spaces, tying them more deeply to the news and to the world. And not in a positive way. I was also seeing psychic smacks, for lack of a better way of saying it, in everyone’s space, where the news/social media, was smacking people out of their core, out of themselves, and into fear. You may not have felt fear per se, however maybe you felt anxious, or amped up, and had the need to check your phone/news/social media, more than ever. Which leads to the other thing I’ve been clearing more continually in everyone: disconnection from self and from Source energy. With everything going on with the upcoming election, the above is at a fever pitch. I spent the weekend on a news hiatus, zero social media (which isn’t totally unusual for me but nonetheless), only checking emails once a day, and only checking texts twice a day. I did a very specific grounding meditation in the mornings to make sure I was completely disconnected from the pull to see what was going on in the world. The fervor of news stories had really been knocking me off balance. I spent the time being creative in a myriad of ways and reading books that I had been wanting to re-read, while actually doing the assignments they gave. I also took the time to simply be and follow the rhythm of the day. I became so present, so calm and very much at peace. There’s a chapter in Untamed where Glennon Doyle talks about her son changing and not being his joyful, creative self anymore. It was his addiction to his phone that was the root cause. Now, I don’t want to go on a rant about phones, but I do want you to begin to notice the energy that comes through them, pulling you into fear or rage etc., and out of peace. Getting you focused on all the bad, versus the positive of what you do want to see. Making you feel powerless, versus empowered. Notice if you feel crappy, or crabby, after looking at Facebook or Instagram. Find the places that make your energy drop, versus elevate, and consider looking at those less, or stopping them all together. I’m not saying be uninformed, I’m saying, maybe you look at the news once a day. Some of you have to have your phones for work or family, but in your off time, do you still have notifications going off, always worried what about what “he’ll” say next, on edge with pandemic news, more engaged with friends or strangers on Facebook or Instagram than the people in front of you? If so, you've been ensnared. You need to disconnect from devices and the energy coming through them, and come back to you. Some of you will balk at the idea of not looking at your phones for long periods of time, yet give it a try. The first step is to turn off notifications. That “ding” creates a Pavlovian response -they’ve done a myriad of studies on that. Second, notice if when you're away from your phone you start feeling anxious or unsettled or ungrounded. If so, then there’s a cord from you to your phone. An energetic tie or link if you will. It doesn’t just come through your phone; it can come through your computer too. It’s a way to hook you to the news or social media etc. The antidote to this is being grounded, disconnecting from externals and connecting deeply with yourself. Be creative. Be in nature. Take time for silence. Do something healing for you. Next week I’ll be releasing a couple meditations to help you with this. In the meantime, I have other grounding meditations in previous blogs. Take your power back this week and don’t allow yourself to be controlled by fear/the news/social media. Disconnect from all that makes you feel awful, and focus intently on what makes you happy and what you desire for the future. It starts with you! |
AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
January 2025