I'd been very disheartened to hear personal stories of increased hatred and attack this last week. It's mind boggling to me that people feel the permission to allow the worst versions of themselves to come forward and attack.
And yet, there’s profound beauty if you look for it. Remember, what you focus on expands. One of the stories that enraged me the most, the story of little kids who were targeted with texts telling them they’d been chosen to pick cotton, showed the transformative power of love through their actions. My client is a recess volunteer at that school. On Friday, a group of eight 6 and 7-year-olds, boys and girls, gathered around my client, and asked her to sit and meditate with them. That had never happened before. The teachers were stunned. Then, when she went back on Monday, the group had grown and asked her to sit and meditate again with them. My client isn’t a meditation teacher, nor had she spoken of meditation. They chose her because they felt her energy. They knew what they needed, they knew what she needed, and they knew she could anchor healing energy for them. She said, “It’s wild to see so many rambunctious boys lead this. In the middle of the “chaos” of recess with its loud noises, they keep opting out for a minute of quiet and breath work.” That, right there, is going to change the world for the better. Inclusiveness, connection, and group calm. What a beautiful future these children are showing us. Let’s continue to anchor in the light for them.
As this goes out, I have many clients anxiously awaiting the path of the current hurricane or dealing with the destruction from the last one.
While wrapping all of them in support and protection, I want to remind you that when tragedy strikes an area of the world and you’re feeling compassion for all the people going through the trauma, never underestimate the power of sending light to the area impacted. To the people, the animals, and the land. It can feel like that's doing nothing, but everything is made up of energy. By your intention to support those in need, the uplifting energy flows to them beautifully. If you’re feeling great fear or worry, pause and release those energies first. You don’t want to add to the discord. Think of it this way, if you were in the dark and somebody offered you a hand with a light, it would be a soothing, hopeful balm to your system. But if they were scared for you, you’d both be in the dark, feeling fear. So, for all those negatively impacted by the hurricane that just went through and the one that's coming, for all the people in war torn areas, for the people struggling with famine, and any other world issue that speaks to your Soul, send them all some light today. Be the conduit for The Light. May they be elevated, even on a subconscious level, knowing there are those who care. In my blogs, I’ve written a lot over the years about the power of your light and The Light when it comes to anything dark, both internal and external- i.e., fears, worst case scenarios, negativity, etc.
There's a fear-based misperception that anything dark can overtake anything of light. It's a huge lie. Today, I speak to that while teaching you a couple techniques. This impromptu video stems from a client session I recently had where this topic came up again. The video is only 5 minutes long, but it’s a powerful reminder you may need to hear, and a way to connect more deeply to your Soul. Look at my video on "Taking Your Power Back" on YouTube for further assistance, or any prior blogs under the category, "Owning Your Light." May this be hugely empowering! YouTube When unspeakable tragedy occurs, it can be difficult to experience light when others are suffering. Yet during times of tragedy, the light is what's most needed to alleviate the darkness, while also being mindful of those who aren't able to be in any light. This is true individually, and globally.
Your soul will make its presence known in either your response and call to action, or your desire to send light and healing. Everyone's soul calls to them in different ways and in different areas of the world. Thus, it never only falls on one person's shoulders to heal the world. In times of crisis like what's happening in Israel and Palestine, more than ever you need to be the light for those embroiled in conflict and pain. For those whose lives have been destroyed by the ravages of terrorism. The rape and murder of innocents is unacceptable. If you feel moved by the shocking events there and the inhumane treatment of people, send peace- for all involved. Send light. Send love. Hold the energy of miraculous resolution. Even if that seems impossible. Infuse the land with healing. Infuse the land with harmony. People ground through the land. Whether you are moved greatly or minimally, have compassion for those in pain. The world needs more compassion. The more you have, the more that's available. Don't engage the dark and the vitriol. Stand for the light. For harmony, for peace. For protection for those kidnapped. Even just while reading this, if you send some light right now, that helps. Remember my favorite quote that I remind you of often: "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." ~MLK Jr. Be the light amidst this darkness. With the increase of hate and vitriol in the world, as today is Summer Solstice, the longest day of light in the Northern Hemisphere, I want to remind you of a very simple fact: every day you have the ability to create your reality and the energies in the world by what you choose to focus on.
You can choose whether to click on an article that's filled with gossip or hate. You can choose to listen to the person spouting dark and fearful ideas. You can choose to root for the punishment of those who disagree with you. But all of those things add more darkness to the world and to your personal world. They create more separation, more us versus them. On the flipside, you can choose to give those things none of your attention or emotional energy. You can choose what you'd like to see instead and put all your focus on that. You can choose to be a light in the darkness. You can choose a higher outcome. You can even choose to send love to a negative situation or person. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” Choose to create your reality from a place of light and the highest potential. By doing so, you change the world for the better. When I was first learning how to clear haunted houses, we were told to laugh at the ghosts or to stay super light-hearted and laugh within ourselves. The reason being, when you can laugh at something, no matter how dark it is, it cannot have power over you. It cannot get the upper hand.
The ghosts in the houses I cleared hated that by the way. They would get meaner and nastier the more I laughed out loud and said things in a funny voice such as, “Oh you’re sooo scary.” As angry as they would get, they couldn’t touch me. Why? Because I was owning the power of my light with absolute authority. The laughter, the light, was more powerful than any fear they were trying to provoke. They shrank back from it. I bring this up because the misconception I’ve spoken of before is once again rearing its head for many, which is that if you're filled with light, the dark will be attracted to you. That is an absolute lie designed to keep you small and fearful. Your light does not attract darkness. Your light is safe. Being filled with your light is a deterrent and can hold anything at bay. But you have to believe that. If you believe the opposite, you will attract the opposite. When you're scared, it can feel like you want to shrink within yourself so that nobody notices you. Like an animal in the wild getting still and trying to hide when in danger. But think about how much more powerful it is to be a lion or a lioness who takes up space and doesn't shrink. Who commands the space so that nothing gets close. I get it, even with my training, if something fearful catches me off guard, I sometimes freeze and shrink when I’m threatened. And yet, when I can remember, I've seen time and again that if I extend my light and my energy and claim more space, negative and dark people and situations back off. Even if you’re not laughing, refusing to shrink while choosing to stay in the light is a power in and of itself. If you keep filling yourself with light and claiming ownership of your space, nothing can get in. Simultaneously, you need strong boundaries; you need to be aware of your body and your energy field. And clear any faulty subconscious beliefs that the darkness is more powerful than the light. If you're always taking on other people’s emotions and issues, fill your second chakra with your energy and your light. If you're always giving your power away and you feel a lot of anxiety, fill your third chakra with your power and your light. If you feel so empathetic that you're giving away your heart energy, call it back to you and fill your fourth chakra with your energy and your light. The more you are filled with your energy and your light, the more powerful you become. Then when fears arise, you’ll be more able to laugh at them to dissolve them. Be that lioness, be that lion. Own your space from the power of your light and watch the darkness disappear. Side Note: When you fill with your light, while white light can be very protective, it’s too high of a frequency and will shoot you out of your body and that's the opposite of what I'm speaking of above. I want you in your body where your power is, not out. Which means see and use gold light instead. Or whatever color feels representative of your light. A few weeks ago, I sent out a blog about “Alleviating Kickback,” in which I spoke of personal healing. Well, unfortunately a week after I sent it, my infection came back; it had never really healed to its core.
Why do I share this? Because sometimes we can think that we’ve healed an issue, only to have it come roaring back. And it doesn’t mean we’re bad or wrong, it means we're human and there are layers to issues. I’ve talked with enough of you to know that many people want a quick fix or want to be healed immediately and thereby feel shame if that doesn’t happen. But time is part of the healing process. In the continued healing of the infection, I uncovered issues from lifetimes ago that needed excavating and releasing. The infection wasn’t here out of cruelty, it was still present to bring my attention to the deeper blockages that needed clearing. If you’re dealing with a physical issue, instead of getting angry at it or punishing yourself for it, have compassion for yourself. Ask what message or healing it needs. If you keep berating yourself and getting mad, the stuck energy is going to get more and more entrenched. Whereas if you send forgiveness and light, you can uncover it and let it go. Maybe there’s a deep, deep wound that needs healing and attention. You have to identify it and do whatever technique is appropriate in order to move through it. Remember, if it took lifetimes to build or even just this lifetime, that’s a lot of energy built up over time. It may be complex and will take time to heal to its core. I recently heard Eileen McKusick say, “If your whole life has been spent in your pain body and your wounds, you have no idea what your light body and being centered looks like. It’s a process to move from your pain body to your light body. It happens in pieces.” Think about that- it happens in pieces. Patience, nurturing, love, self-care; all these will aid the pieces in reforming into your light. You are your best healing medicine. You make the choices and send the love to yourself. No one outside you can do that. So today, send love to the places stuck in pain and be willing to integrate them back into your light. Be gentle with yourself as you come into wholeness. In sessions if I’m doing a Soul retrieval, I need to go to a very dark place, a dark place where the pain has gotten stuck. It can be easy to get stuck in that dark place, a place of perpetual pain, hurt, and despair.
When I begin to pull someone out of the dark place, when the light touches them, it’s painful. That high level frequency of pure love and light is too much for the intense darkness. It doesn’t want to be in the light, and yet, it’s the very thing that can bring profound healing. In a frequency of incredible love, I always witness as the person’s Higher Self and The Goddess herself, take over to pull that Soul aspect out of the dark place and into the light. While there’s the initial pain and resistance, once that aspect of Soul is held in the light again, it completely transforms. It becomes powerful and radiant. It simply forgot what it was like to be an aspect of the light. Once transformed, once integrated back into the whole, it won’t go back to that illusion and dark place of separateness. On a greater level, always feel your feelings fully and excavate them so they cannot control you, but don’t get stuck in them. Especially the dark ones. Because the longer you stay in the dark, the more you forget there’s a possibility of light. And not only does the world need your light, but you need to remember your light. Within that light is your love, your happiness, your joy, and your ability to be stronger and more powerful than any darkness going on in the world. Imagine a world in which we all did that, in which the energy of love was so strong it eradicated the darkness by its very presence. Open the door wider to the light. Welcome it, accept it into your heart. And then let it be bigger than the darkness. There are unspeakable tragedies in the world right now; it’s enough to make you want to scream or curl up in a ball and hide under the covers. And maybe you need to do either, or both.
You can’t turn a blind eye, but neither can you let it consume you and take you down a dark rabbit hole. When you feel helpless, take action. Any positive action to bring your light and your hope to the situation. For some that may mean literally being amongst the ground crew; working to bring awareness by volunteering, protesting, or running for office. For some, that may mean financial contributions. For others, it might mean helping and healing the situation energetically. None are more/less valuable than others, they’re simply various ways you’re best equipped to help. Yesterday’s tragic shootings are the latest in the more recent onslaughts. Gun violence may be where your Soul calls you to participate to bring healing and create change. Maybe you’re compassionate about that issue, but the drought and climate change are the areas that draw you in. Maybe it’s the Ukraine, the war on Women’s rights, the continuation of Covid, or the shortage of food in Africa. It might be a combination of these or many other issues. You won’t be effective though if you spread yourself too thin. If you try to help everyone everywhere, you’ll burn yourself out. There are so many areas that need your compassion and light- so pick a few and focus there. When you want to hide and give up, choose to show up instead, even if not literally in person. It can be overwhelming, but as much as possible, don’t allow it to be. Take your power back and choose to be even more of a light in a world seemingly filled with darkness. And it is seemingly because if you actually look, there’s more light than ever before, but it can be hard to see. So look for it, choose to see it. Even the tiniest act of kindness brings more light. Be that for the world. You incarnated during this time for a reason- because you bring something to the world that it needs. Take care of you first, then shine like you’ve never shone before. I’ve told you this before, but it bears repeating, especially with the situation in the Ukraine:
You matter. Your thoughts matter. Your words matter. The vision you have for the world matters. When you’re stuck in blaming and complaining, you perpetuate a frequency of powerlessness. But you’re not powerless. Yes, you can get angry, yes express your fears, yes process through everything you’re feeling, and then take your power back. Be the light for those enmeshed in darkness; send them light, send the situation light. Be in your center, and in your power. Watch your judgments and any desires to be righteous and let those go. Choose to hold the space for healing, for peaceful resolution. You are most effective when you emanate a frequency of love; do this for all involved. Declare what you desire to see instead of pain, instead of suffering, and feed that positive outcome. You affect the whole. You can say you’re just one person but what if everyone said that? Instead, be the person who has hope. Who holds the light of hope even when things seem dark. Who sends the light to the places that most need it. Who imagines that light being like a flashlight, driving out the darkness. It’s up to you how you create the future; it can be dark, or it can be filled with light. The choice is yours. Will you join me in the light? |
AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
February 2025