Many of you are feeling good and doing quite well, while others are having a really tough time right now. This is for the latter group…
Sometimes in life you’re going to feel like it’s all too much. This is when you know you’ve hit your capacity for giving, and need to spend some time in self-care and receiving. There’s nothing wrong with, and actually it’s necessary to, disconnect. Put your phone on do not disturb. Have a bed day where you read, or binge watch a show. Stay in pjs late. Stop doing and allow yourself to be. You’re not alone if you’re feeling compassion fatigue. You’re not alone if you’re overwhelmed. You’re not alone if you feel like you just can’t handle one more bit of restriction and limitation from this pandemic. If you’re tired, you’re not alone. I’ve been saying this for years, and clearly, it’s not letting up; there’s increased chaos in the world as well as major shifts taking place in our inner worlds. The point is ultimately, to move beyond what’s not working, into a greater reality. But going through it is like being a butterfly in a cocoon; it’s not fun. We’re literally being pulled apart in all directions to become new. None of us are victims to this, we all chose to be incarnated at this time. And it’s more intense than most of us ever thought. Don’t fight it when you feel overloaded; resisting it prolongs it and makes it worse. Give yourself permission to relax. Give yourself permission to stop and recharge. You can’t move forward with a drained battery, so quit trying. You deserve a reprieve, you need a pause.
I want to talk about forgiveness again. Even though it’s been a topic that I’ve brought up multiple times, its power is unmistakable.
I recently had a lightbulb moment when I realized that I was still victimizing myself from an issue I’d been dealing with for about seven years. I was giving my power to one part of a situation versus not only taking my power back, but ultimately, forgiving myself. I started doing forgiveness work every morning. I needed to forgive myself for going through it, forgive myself for blaming parts of the event and thus surrendering my power to it, and forgive myself for the level of physical pain it caused. I forgave every physical body issue that resulted from that experience. I forgave myself for choosing that experience; recognizing I was doing the best I could at that time. Then I forgave all the explosive and harmful emotions that were below the physical repercussions. At that point, I realized it was my own rage, fear, and pain that had caused the bodily harm, not the event itself. I forgave myself for my emotional trauma and all the pockets of stored pain and hurt that were stuck in my physical body. I forgave everything I could think of in regard to that situation; both speaking all I forgave, and using the Ho’oponopono. Most importantly, I forgave myself because I was keeping the pain alive. No one else was doing it to me. I was blaming and causing my own continued suffering. In my anger over the issue, I wasn’t allowing in the healing, nor the transcending, of that pain. The anger and righteousness were winning. And frankly, one can’t heal in that place. After each forgiveness session, and it only took me less than five minutes a day, I would take a moment and let in and receive the energy of forgiveness. I would see it filling up all the places where the trauma and pain were released. I then chose what energy I wanted in its place, for example: love, healing, joy, etc. The more I forgave, the more the remaining emotional pain lifted and became a non-issue. All the charge was gone. The more I forgave, the more the answers came for how to heal the physical ramifications of my emotional trauma. I no longer blame myself or what I went through. Now my focus is solely on healing and finally laying the past to rest. I’m there emotionally, and almost fully there physically. While this example was on a physical, and ultimately emotional, level, it can be applied to anything. What in your life are you still allowing yourself to be victimized by? And can you take your power back and allow forgiveness in? You may not be able to forgive the actual event, especially if the event was horrific, but can you forgive yourself for going through it? Can you forgive where it’s held you down and prevented the fullest range of your light and sparkle? Can you forgive yourself for experiencing such pain and hurt? If it’s difficult, have the compassion with yourself that you would give to a little child or a baby animal. You wouldn’t scold them for not knowing differently, why punish yourself? Forgiveness sets you free. It doesn’t negate what happened, it’s not for any other parties involved, it’s for you. Your freedom. Your freedom from suffering and pain. Give yourself that gift and release the past. It can be too heavy a burden to keep carrying. A brilliant future awaits. I had a neighbor who always said, “we’ll travel once we’re retired.” And not just travel- there was always a future date for any pleasure. He was a lovely man but unfortunately, injuries kept cropping up as soon as he had time, and then he passed away unexpectedly in his sleep on New Year’s Eve. He lived by delayed gratification and never gave himself joy in the now.
He got me thinking, if the world were to end tomorrow, would I have any regrets? Not regrets regarding something I wished I had done differently, because that’s holding the past alive and the past is past. You can drag it forward, or you can forgive and release what holds you in a pain pattern. I’m talking regrets about actions untaken. Something I can alter now. And I did have one. One thing that would augment my life. Recognizing its value to me, I immediately took steps to remedy it. I already knew it was a priority this year, and now I recognized the depth of it. This blog is not to be morose- it’s to get you thinking about the present. About what you can change and do. Yes, we’re under Covid restrictions still so if travel is your thing, obviously that’ll have to wait. And there may be other restrictions due to the pandemic, but beyond that, what calls your heart? If the world ended tomorrow, is there anything in your control now that you would wish you could’ve done/said/experienced? It may not be grandiose; it may be spending more time with a loved one, allowing yourself to slow down and relax, not trying to do it all perfectly. Or it could be something concrete that inspires you: learning to play guitar, preparing your body to climb Mt. Fuji, writing your memoir. It’s not about being a famous such and such because that’s out of your control. What, in your control, would you regret not pursuing, fixing, accomplishing, or doing? Once you have your answer, you know your priority. Now it’s up to you to take consistent action and bring it into fruition. And if you don’t know how to do it, ask someone who does. No excuses by the way. If it would be a regret, then no, “I’m too old, I don’t know how, they may not respond to my desire to reconcile…” If it’s dependent on another, you can’t control them, but you can do the healing you need to clear your side of the street, including forgiving yourself and the other. Face your fears and act in spite of them. After all, the time is now. Give yourself the gift of what calls to your heart in this moment. Joy awaits. Welcome to 2022!!
I wish for you a spectacular year that exceeds your wildest, positive expectations!! So, to start the year in a fun way, it’s Oracle Card time! Now before you choose, have a question or topic in mind. Then sit silently for a moment, breathe, and connect inward as to which card can answer your question, numbers 1-5. Yes, a fifth card wanted to make an appearance this time, normally there are only four choices. Be open as to what number is best for you today. I asked two questions: What do you need to know as you enter this new year? What needs healing or awareness in regards to what you need to know? Both cards are together on the same page. I find it fascinating that double numbers (22, 33, 44, 55) appeared somewhere on every page. Clearly magic is afoot behind the scenes! Happy picking and may your card give you insight or enthusiasm about 2022. Card Number One Card Number Two Card Number Three Card Number Four Card Number Five |
AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
January 2025