This is a very interesting time right now; we live in a duality, so as the dark and constricting energy in the world seems to be ever increasing, at the same time, the light and expansive energies are growing exponentially. Chaos proceeds change: the greater the change, the greater the chaos.
Within that, I’m observing that access to assistance from the unseen realm is becoming more and more tangible, with quicker response time for many people. If you haven’t experienced this yet, that’s OK, that’s what we’re going to talk about today. The key is to trust. To choose to trust in the flow of life regardless of whether you’ve been hurt or disappointed before. To choose that you are in alignment with the flow of the Universe and that everything is working out in your favor. The opposite of trust is control. Control says, “I don’t believe this will work out for me, so I have to make it happen.” Control also says, “This situation/creation has to work/look exactly how I want or it’s a failure.” But the force behind the control brings forth resistance and blockages to the very thing you want. You can end up in struggle versus flow. In my own reality, I like to plan things. Yes, it’s definitely a way to try to control a situation. Recently however, as I was trying to plan something, I could sense that if I would just let go, surrender, and trust that everything was working out for me, that it would all fall into place elegantly and gracefully. I also visualized exactly what I wanted as the end result, gave gratitude (ahead of time) for it coming to pass, then stepped out of the way and allowed myself to be in the energy of flow and trust. I’ll admit, it was a difficult couple days because I wanted to get into my old habit of making things happen, but when that arose, I would take a breath, and surrender. In the course of a few days, not only did I receive something close to what I wanted, I then went into trust that the end result would somehow come to pass. And it did. While sitting in my gratitude for receiving the outcome I desired, I asked if this was a wise course for me to pursue as something felt off. I surrendered again, trusted that the answer would come, and after a couple days, realized there was a different outcome that was even better. It felt like the right choice even though it was far from my original plan. I would not have gotten to that highest truth had I not surrendered and trusted all along. Regardless of what happened to you in the past, I want you to affirm to yourself, “It’s safe for me to trust. It’s safe for me to be present in my reality. It’s safe for me to trust that all of the pieces I need are falling into place now, in the highest and best way, for my highest and best good, with harm to none. I trust that everything is working out in my favor.” Make that new choice now. Choose to trust in the flow of life. Choose to surrender your fears and ask for and receive the help that is readily available right now. Get still, listen, and follow your own inner guidance. It’s there, waiting. It may not make rational sense and that’s OK! It’s not supposed to be rational. When you get an intuitive hit, follow it. That’s the way you start to build trust. If you rationally talk yourself out of it or you ignore it, you are breaking trust with yourself therefore making it harder to build that muscle. If it feels right, or wrong, you have to honor that. The more you honor yourself and your intuitive knowing, the more clear it becomes, the louder it becomes, and the more available you are to receive the help that is there for you. So, this week make a choice of something you’re looking to bring forth/create, ask for help from the Universe, and then trust that it will appear exactly as is in your highest and best good. Even if you can’t see how or the way through, surrender and stay in the energy of flow. Build your trust and be ready to receive the miraculous.
AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
January 2025