Below, I remind you of all you’ve learned in 2021, with each highlighted word bringing you to a specific blog.
If I’ve done my job this year, you’re feeling more of your personal power and remembering that you have the ability to shift, and shape, your reality. You know that as you release old dreams, you free up the space for new and beautiful ones that are more in alignment with where you’re headed, thus helping you author an incredible future. You’re owning your crown chakra, your third chakra, and opening to the power of pleasure in your second chakra. You’re hearing me and beginning to accept the truth that your light is more powerful than any dark. You see yourself as able to be part of the solution, versus wallowing in the problems of the world. You remember that you have techniques for making decisions, claiming a space, getting present, and being grounded. You’re starting to understand the power of forgiveness and why I talk about it all the time. You recognize that gratitude is key. You’re letting in the truth that you are loved and that you can love yourself more fully. You know that your classroom is your own and you can’t force anyone to learn the lessons you think they should. You see the arrogance in thinking you know better than someone else what they need. You trust that you are on your perfect path, and they’re on theirs. You know how to prevent your negative ego from hijacking your imagination, as well as getting clear on what is important and moving towards that. And you learned a phrase to help you release your emotions more elegantly. Having the tools to cope with, and ultimately process through, anything life throws at you is in my opinion, invaluable. The more self-sufficient you feel and the more you know the answers are within, the more empowered you are. And that my friends, is why I write these blogs. To remind you of your power, your light, and that you matter!! Even though there are a couple more weeks in 2021, let's send some energy for 2022 being a kick ass year! May you thrive!!
It’s that time of year again; it’s time to find your word for 2022!
For those of you who are newer to my blogs, this is based on a John Gordon blog I read, maybe five years ago. In it, he suggested picking one word for the upcoming year, versus creating resolutions that only make you feel badly if you can’t fulfill them. In his words, “just one word that gives meaning, mission, passion and purpose. One word that will help me be my best.” I love this idea and I’ve been using it ever since. There are no wrong answers regarding your word; it’s very personal. Sometimes you’ll choose it, and sometimes it chooses you. Either way, you’ll know. You’ll feel it in your gut that that word is the word for you. Your word can be anything that you’re wanting to infuse into 2022: freedom, forgiveness, compassion, play, expansion, fun, self-love, wisdom, ease, peace, joy - the list is endless. Once you have your word, write it in big letters somewhere that you’ll read it each day. And not just a passing glance, but truly, “how can I bring this word into action today?” Now, see that word infused throughout next year. Look at a calendar of 2022 and imagine your word woven throughout the days and months. Imagine that word opening you up to possibilities, insights, changes, and personal growth. As you focus on it daily, you’ll find that you may be led to experiences, books, and talks etc., that are exactly what you need to learn/hear to help you grow and have more of that word in your reality. If you want, share your word with me and I’ll support you in your expansion for 2022. Happy choosing and may your word help you thrive!!! For some of you, what I’m going to talk about will make total sense, and for others, it’s a non-issue. It’s been coming up quite often in sessions, which is always a sign for me to write about it in case more of you are feeling this same way.
Some of you love social media; it helps you thrive and that’s great. If it’s your favorite, go for it! This blog is not for you. This is for those who feel worse after being on it. Who feel anxious, off center, can’t disconnect from their apps, and who start to go into the dark places within themselves. I occasionally go on social media, but very rarely on Facebook. I noticed years ago that I would get severe anxiety if I was on Facebook for more than five minutes. I could feel the energy impacting my solar plexus (3rd chakra). What I started to observe, is that there’s something in the energetics of that particular platform that are designed to both hook into someone’s space, and knock out their grounding, so that they stay engaged. Some people are immune to it, and some people are affected without even realizing it. If you do decide to go on social media (and especially those of you prone to anxiety), before you open that app, center your energy inside yourself and put a violet shield around your space to help you have boundaries. Once you’ve been on and are done, you’ll want your energy back/cleared and here’s what can help: 1: Separate out your energy from whatever platform you were on and call your energy back (see resources page). Do this with the overall platform as well as any individuals who triggered you. And if you were incredibly triggered or started down the rabbit hole of comparisons, take your power back from those individuals and remind yourself, “I am good enough. My path and my timing are my own.” You may also need to take your power back from your own negative ego and inner critic. Silence them and stand in the power pose to remember your worth. 2: Visualize removing the psychic hook between you and the app you were on. See/imagine that hook and literally use your hand to actively unhook yourself. As you hold the hook in your hand, away from your body, watch it dissolve. As it dissolves it breaks the connection between you and what you were attached to, freeing you. 3: Imagine closing and locking the door between you and that platform. You can close it gently or slam it shut; whatever will help you disengage. You can take it a step further and erase the door. That’s one of my favorite techniques to do in any situation where there’s been too much of an energy exchange. It gives a clear message to the subconscious. 4: Ground yourself. If you’re feeling especially out of sorts, run earth energy. 5: Fill yourself with your own sparkly life force energy or with Divine light. Beyond social media, at the end of the day you can also disconnect from all devices. I take my imaginary scissors and cut the cords between me and both my phone and computer. I either run them up the front of my body or go specifically to where I feel the energy drain. If you’re on your device all day, that frequency can jack you up or deplete you. Run some earth energy, even just in your feet. Don’t give your power away to your devices or to any platforms. Do the above to help and if you still feel off and it’s important/necessary to be on your devices and certain platforms, then train your subconscious, “I am immune to the negative energies and electromagnetics here.” State that over and over until you feel your boundaries getting stronger. Your energy is precious; make sure it stays in you. * Red highlighted words are linked to previous blogs |
AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
January 2025