Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, my Birthday is on Monday (I LOVE my birthday!!! Total Sag here, lol), and I wanted to take a moment and say a huge:
THANK YOU!!!! Thank you for reading what I write, thank you for your beautiful emails, comments, and support, and thank you for the YouTube follows and comments- you rock!! And to be clear, I’m grateful for you even if you never comment or write to me. I’m grateful you exist. I’m grateful you’re in my reality. We all go through hard days, weeks, months, and sometimes years. If you’re in a rough spot, I’m not going tell you you need to be grateful during this Thanksgiving time. Instead, I’m flowing Divine light into your reality, to hopefully soothe your soul. And to those in a great place, you get the light too! I’m like Oprah today, “You get some Divine light, and you get some Divine light!” Everyone reading this today is being bathed in it. I appreciate and value you! Thank You!!
I've been witnessing an astronomical rise in people's stress levels and anxiety. Beyond the detriment to one’s body, the mental and emotional toll is profound. I'm not immune to stress; I understand it personally.
When there's deep childhood wounds or trauma stuck in the nervous system, it can be really hard to regulate your fight or flight response. Add to that the amped up energy in the world and all the places our attention is pulled, as well as the drive to “do, do, do.” It can be exhausting, and cause overwhelm. The first step to calming that, is a very deep grounding meditation; getting out of the mental spin and into your body. Matching the slow healing frequency of the earth, to create an experience of rooted calm. I know that that's not always easy. Usually there are so many issues that can keep you from wanting to be grounded, including stored pain in the body. The irony is, the more you’re in your body and connected to the Earth, the easier it is to release the pain. If you’re dissociated and out of your body, the pain stays trapped. You’re here on this planet to experience life in a body. From within, is where you can create and manifest change; not from flying out in the ethers. Being grounded in yourself is the place of greatest empowerment for you. And where you can experience a deep feeling of safety. This is why I'm always talking about grounding yourself. This is why I consistently release grounding meditations. I want to help you feel more powerfully embodied. (Check out my meditations on YouTube) If this triggers you at all, breathe. You may have stored trauma coming to the surface. Simply sit with the idea that it can be possible to feel comfortable and safe in your body. Don’t push the issue, just sit with the idea. Interestingly, I was going to remind you of this even before I released the upcoming meditation class. Check it out if you want a different experience of being in your body. One in which your body becomes your friend, and a sacred space for your spirit. You’ll know if it’s right for you. I'm so excited to announce a new program I've created for you!! 21 days of guided morning meditations to help you create more embodied presence in your life.
I talk about the power of presence a lot and I know that starting the day grounded and in your body makes a phenomenal difference. I can be very airy and out of body so for me, a strong morning routine is vital!! While I had been doing a morning meditation for decades, I recently took it up a notch during my recent Master's program. Thus, I want to share various tools and techniques to help you feel more empowered and centered as you begin each day. To learn more about the series, click here. I don't know about you, but the eclipse last weekend kicked my butt! Massive fatigue, not knowing what end was up, and feeling very unsettled. Although I will say, the technique I posted on YouTube on Friday was a huge help in calming my body! (Check it out if you haven't seen it. And subscribe and add alerts so you know when I post something new!)
The eclipse was designed to clear away the old in preparation for the new. Even if you weren't aware of it consciously, a lot was being released out of your space. Thus, for me and others I talked to, exhaustion. What do you do when faced with exhaustion? Do you power through and push harder, or do you listen to what you most need and stop? You aren't effective if you push. You need to make self-care the priority. Even when there are things to do/people to help. As I remind you often, you're no good to others if you're on empty. Three words said individually as complete sentences, came very loudly into my head a few days before the eclipse, and they continued on repeat each day as needed. I invite you to do as I did, put your hands on your heart, and: Stop. Breathe. Trust. Stop: meaning stop all doing and BE still in this moment. Breathe: focus on your body, focus on your breath. You're here to be IN your body, so use your breath to ground in. Trust: you can't control the energy or make anything happen. Lean back and trust; even if that's difficult. Trust in your Higher Self, trust in the Universe, trust that things are always working out in your favor. So, once again: Stop. Breathe. Trust. You got this! |
AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
February 2025