When things don’t work out as planned, it can be very easy to become discouraged and upset. But what if you adopt a new outlook; that you are always being protected. Maybe you didn’t get that job because it would’ve been too much for you physically or your boss would’ve been a nightmare. Maybe you didn’t continue that relationship because something traumatic would’ve happened. You never know what is happening behind the scenes, so instead of judging and trying to control, trust that in every moment, you are being taken care of and supported; even when it doesn’t seem like it, and even when you really want the thing you’re working on. Sometimes we need the detours or roadblocks because ultimately, they are for our highest and best good and our best and highest outcome, even when we don’t know why.
Of course you still do the work: you visualize, you process anything that might be in the way, you take responsibility, and you forgive, but then ultimately, you need to surrender your vision/desire/goal, and trust. There is tremendous power in the surrender, allow that.
We know that your thoughts can affect your body, but did you know that your body can also affect your thoughts? Your body language speaks volumes about your feelings and energy; we’ve all seen people who close in on themselves or conversely, who stand tall and claim space. What do you do if you need to feel powerful but all you feel is scared and insecure? You stand in a power pose. They’ve done studies that show that putting yourself in the Wonder Woman/Superman pose has incredibly positive effects on your psyche and energy. Where once you felt a lack of confidence, simply standing in that pose for two minutes, changes your body chemistry and brings about a psychological shift as well. I watched the below TED talk years ago and this always stuck with me. The simplicity of standing like Wonder Woman/Superman for even 30 seconds, and suddenly I felt empowered emotionally. Every part of me became present and I knew I could handle any challenge ahead. If you want to learn more, I encourage you to watch this TED talk and give it a try. It is brilliantly empowering. My father in law passed away last night. He was 91. I loved that man tremendously. He was an amazing father in law. He accepted me immediately and always treated me with complete love and kindness. I really won the lottery with him.
My father in law was a man from another era. He was a proud member of the Elks Club for 70 years, and a previous ruler at that, which was quite the honor. He was still best friends with his 2 buddies from high school, and oh the stories they would tell, especially about their adventures in Alaska. His very favorite place was Alaska. He lived there throughout his young adult life and always traveled back whenever he could. He truly could’ve lived off the grid and been a happy camper- literally! As long as he could fish, camp & hunt. But the thing that always brought him home, was his love for his wife Dorothy. He adored her the way one hopes to be adored, always telling me how lucky he was. And that was also his attitude about life in general; that he was very lucky, and so life responded in kind. I was given the gift of helping him pass. We spent a lot of time together in a meditative state where we created his heaven. And we spoke of it verbally so he knew all about where he would go. Dad, while I only knew you for 10 years, you were an extraordinary light in my life. I could listen to your many stories any day, any time. Thanks to you I can say I learned how to fish, although I probably won’t be doing that again, lol. Without you, I would not have my extraordinary husband, and because of you, I have more love in my life than I ever dreamed possible. I knew I was blessed with my family, but you added a whole nother level. I will miss you giving us all the thumbs up to show how happy you were, and I’ll miss the smile I was greeted with whenever you saw me. I’ll miss our weekly dinners but will think of you whenever I order seafood. I can’t say I’ll have a scotch in your honor, but I will smile whenever I see a bottle. I am so happy that you are now with Dorothy, probably having that scotch, and watching the sunset together. Thank you for all you brought to my life. I love you dearly, and I’m sure you’re smiling at me, saying your usual response to me, “Thank you dear.” The world was a better place because of you. Two thumbs up to you. You will be sorely missed. Stanley Calvin Germain, Sept 12, 1927 - Feb 12, 2019 I have spoken about this before, but it needs repeating- the light is infinitely more powerful than the dark. Your light is infinitely more powerful than your dark.
It is a lie that if you are bright, bad things will come to you or people will try to take from you. That is purely your negative ego’s way of keeping you small, in fear, and hiding. God/Goddess/Source created it all. If the dark was more powerful than them, there would currently be no light because the dark would’ve already destroyed it. Think about that. If you truly believe the dark is more powerful, then there would be no light at all. There would be no love, no happiness, no joy. They couldn’t exist in the absence of light. This is a planet of free will. The Universe is not going to eradicate the dark because we live in a duality and we learn from the dark. But the light can snuff the dark out. Look what a candle does in a dark room. Does the dark win, or the light? Next time you are tempted to believe that the dark can harm you in any way, take your power back from that belief/fear, and shine your light brighter than ever. Let your light expand to encompass everything around you, like that candle, so that the darkness doesn’t stand a chance. The choice is yours, be the light. |
AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
January 2025