To further the discussion from last week regarding emotions and stories, I had a morning recently when fear was loud, and I knew I needed to change the frequency before it spiraled out of control.
I started by acknowledging it and saying, “Hey fear, I hear you, I feel you, and I'm not going down that road.” I could still hear it, so I then gently added, “Stop it.” I took some deep breaths, grounded myself to the center of the planet, then imagined dropping the fear out of my body and aura. I imagined the heaviness of that emotion, like a lead weight, dropping deep into the ground to be transmuted. I kept dropping it until I felt lighter. Simultaneously, I chose not to engage the story it was trying to tell. That’s the mental spin and the opposite, the healing, is full presence and connection to earth energy. I ran slow, calming, brown earth energy through my body. (previous blog) As that was soothing my body, I took my power back from fear. (previous blog) I then asked myself, “What do I choose to experience instead?” Depending on the fear, you’ll know what you need. It could be a sense of having or being enough, safety, radiant health, peace etc. I created a simple statement to augment what I chose in place of the fear and kept repeating the new statement. For example: “I am safe.” “My body is now healing beautifully.” “There is always enough money (or time).” “Everything is now falling into place easily and elegantly.” “I am safe, even when facing the unknown.” I kept breathing out any remaining fear, while grounding in present time and stating my name, the date, and the time. I also tapped around my left ear to re-set my brain and nervous system (video reminder here). Once the fear released and I felt calm, I acknowledged that present and future me is in charge, not fear. So again, using the power of choice, I asked, “What am I choosing to draw to me?” I got a vision of the future I wanted in place of the fearful future. That could be an image of you as healthy, safe, or financially secure etc. Whatever issue fear was stirring up, see its exact opposite reality and imagine grabbing it from the future, and pulling it into the now. Then feel fully the feelings of peace, safety, health, enoughness, or happiness, and let what you desire be the only feelings you feel. I know sometimes fear feels bigger than you but it’s not. The more quickly you catch it as it’s building, the more you stop the production of stress hormones and re-wire your neural pathways to allow less of it in the future. Think of it as a train that you refuse to let leave the station. You have the power to stop a fear spiral.
Typically, I like to understand why I’m feeling the way I am such as, “Why am I in a bad mood? What got triggered? Where does this feeling come from?”
But part of what I've been working on, is how to simply be with whatever is occurring, without diving into the details. Staying in my body, rather than spinning in mental thoughts. That can be difficult. But I also realize that it’s a hook. Needing to know and understand hooks me back into the story or the wound or the emotional trauma that’s surfacing, thus taking me out of the present moment. It’s a way to think the emotion, versus feel it. I had to put this into play when I unexpectedly felt intense anger the other night. It was so out of the blue and had nothing to do with what was going on. I knew that an old wound must have inadvertently gotten opened because it felt so out of present time. All I could do was be with it. -First, I made sure to be responsible with my anger, which meant going somewhere private, so I didn’t negatively impact those around me. I acknowledged, allowed, and felt the anger fully, without judgment. -Then I grounded myself in present time. I also stated my name, the date, and the time out loud, which is an easy way to pull yourself into the now. -Finally, I sent myself love. I loved myself even though I was triggered. I loved all the parts of me that were clearly upset. I opened my heart for self-compassion and kept bringing myself into the present moment, while acknowledging that I was safe. The more I did that, the calmer I got, and the more the emotion dissipated. I still don't know what triggered the anger, and I consciously chose not to “figure it out.” I've been working to neutralize old pain, versus stir it back up by reiterating an old story. It has no bearing on my present unless I allow it to, nor is it something I want to continue creating in my future. Therefore, releasing the layers as they surface, and choosing to experience more peace instead. Remember, your power lies in your body, in present time. Not in the mental spin. Be free of the past by staying in the present. |
AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
August 2024