I woke up recently with this Albert Einstein quote loud in my head:
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or a hostile universe.” That’s when I realized that I had been stuck in looking at the world as a hostile place, not only from a conflict in my personal reality, but all the war and conflict in the world. All the fears, all the traumas were coloring my experience. But it's my reality and I can choose how to perceive and experience it. Therefore, I took my power back, and changed it to: “I choose to see and experience the world as a beautiful and supportive place of magic and miracles.” Now will that change the world you may ask? It’ll definitely change my personal world and as my personal world changes, that ripples outward to THE world. What you look for, you'll see. So, I’m rewiring my subconscious to see beauty, to see peace, to see support, to see miracles and magic. Pollyanna thinking? No- creating my reality from a higher perspective. By my repeated focus on what I’m choosing to see, I’m shifting my reality. The negative ego sees conflict everywhere, the soul sees opportunities to love. Take your power back from a dark world view and make the decision to see things differently. Energy flows where attention goes. Put your attention on the beauty and light. You have the power to shift your experiences. To help with this, I made a YouTube video teaching my favorite technique for taking your power back. Check it out here!
There’s a topic that’s been loud in many sessions lately. So, it’s time to remind you that nothing has power over you, except the power you give it.
When you’re feeling powerless, when you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious from something outside of you, take your power back from it! The technique is easy and simple, yet profoundly effective. I did it myself just this morning, fully getting into it, using my breath and my hands to call my power back to me. The more real you make it by adding physicality, the more your subconscious gets the message and acts in support of your intention. I did it over and over, watching as what I was calling my power back from, keep shrinking until it ultimately disappeared. Don't judge how long it takes, keep going until it's complete. I then filled my entire space, especially my 3rd and 7th chakras (personal power and sovereignty respectively) with the golden light of Divinity, to blend with all the power I just called back into my body and energy field. At the end, I felt infinitely better and able to make new, empowered choices in present time, rather than being at the mercy of the past or anything outside of me. If anything has you feeling powerless on any level, do the technique. YOU have the power to shift your reality. To learn the technique, click below: taking-your-power-back.html Are you reading these words or already skimming them to move on to the next thing?
Stop. Breathe. Be present. You need to ground and be here. Many of you have heard me say that I noticed a trend when the Covid lockdown started, that I needed to clear these odd cords of energy I was seeing in people’s spaces, tying them more deeply to the news and to the world. And not in a positive way. I was also seeing psychic smacks, for lack of a better way of saying it, in everyone’s space, where the news/social media, was smacking people out of their core, out of themselves, and into fear. You may not have felt fear per se, however maybe you felt anxious, or amped up, and had the need to check your phone/news/social media, more than ever. Which leads to the other thing I’ve been clearing more continually in everyone: disconnection from self and from Source energy. With everything going on with the upcoming election, the above is at a fever pitch. I spent the weekend on a news hiatus, zero social media (which isn’t totally unusual for me but nonetheless), only checking emails once a day, and only checking texts twice a day. I did a very specific grounding meditation in the mornings to make sure I was completely disconnected from the pull to see what was going on in the world. The fervor of news stories had really been knocking me off balance. I spent the time being creative in a myriad of ways and reading books that I had been wanting to re-read, while actually doing the assignments they gave. I also took the time to simply be and follow the rhythm of the day. I became so present, so calm and very much at peace. There’s a chapter in Untamed where Glennon Doyle talks about her son changing and not being his joyful, creative self anymore. It was his addiction to his phone that was the root cause. Now, I don’t want to go on a rant about phones, but I do want you to begin to notice the energy that comes through them, pulling you into fear or rage etc., and out of peace. Getting you focused on all the bad, versus the positive of what you do want to see. Making you feel powerless, versus empowered. Notice if you feel crappy, or crabby, after looking at Facebook or Instagram. Find the places that make your energy drop, versus elevate, and consider looking at those less, or stopping them all together. I’m not saying be uninformed, I’m saying, maybe you look at the news once a day. Some of you have to have your phones for work or family, but in your off time, do you still have notifications going off, always worried what about what “he’ll” say next, on edge with pandemic news, more engaged with friends or strangers on Facebook or Instagram than the people in front of you? If so, you've been ensnared. You need to disconnect from devices and the energy coming through them, and come back to you. Some of you will balk at the idea of not looking at your phones for long periods of time, yet give it a try. The first step is to turn off notifications. That “ding” creates a Pavlovian response -they’ve done a myriad of studies on that. Second, notice if when you're away from your phone you start feeling anxious or unsettled or ungrounded. If so, then there’s a cord from you to your phone. An energetic tie or link if you will. It doesn’t just come through your phone; it can come through your computer too. It’s a way to hook you to the news or social media etc. The antidote to this is being grounded, disconnecting from externals and connecting deeply with yourself. Be creative. Be in nature. Take time for silence. Do something healing for you. Next week I’ll be releasing a couple meditations to help you with this. In the meantime, I have other grounding meditations in previous blogs. Take your power back this week and don’t allow yourself to be controlled by fear/the news/social media. Disconnect from all that makes you feel awful, and focus intently on what makes you happy and what you desire for the future. It starts with you! Right now, with many losing their minds, it’s important to remember to not engage crazy. There are those who thrive on drama, who want to sweep you into their mess, who want to amp up discord. However, as I’ve reminded you often lately, you don’t need to participate.
One of my favorite metaphors comes from my friend Linda Foley. She always told me to stay off the crazy playground. What is the crazy playground you ask? The way I think of the crazy playground is as if imagining yourself stuck on a carousel, and you just keep circling around and around with either a person or an issue. It doesn’t stop moving, it’s up to you to step off. How do you know you’re on the crazy playground? When you’re engaging in a battle. When a fight has escalated beyond what it’s even really about. When someone has no interest in looking at their part of their mess and simply wants to blame. When someone is sinking into their own story and refuses any bit of sane advice. When you’re arguing over and over and over and getting nowhere. It’s anytime you can tell the other person doesn’t hear you, or you’re mired in an old pattern, or with somebody who’s stuck in their negative ego- and you just keep circling around and around and around, and refuse to take the highroad and walk away. Here’s an example: a client of mine has a mother that always has a crisis going on, always needing something. The mother thrives on drama. She dumps it on my client and expects my client to fix it all. Eventually, through talking about this metaphor, my client realized that she’s constantly on the crazy playground with her mother. Always engaging the crazy by responding to it, and/or resisting it. Resistance still keeps you on the playground. It wasn’t until she took her power back one day and realized that: A: she was not at her mother’s beck and call and could simply not answer the phone – to which to some of you might say, “well duh,” but to others who know what it’s like when somebody needs you and is continually looking to you for something, that’s not always easy. And B: when her mom started dumping all of the issues on her, she simply said, “I cannot help you today. I hope you’re able to fix that problem. I have to go now, we’ll talk soon.” She let her mom know that she would not be there to solve that particular problem, nor any other problems coming up. She held the boundary of her sanity being more important than being on that merry go round of crazy. There’s not just a merry go round on the crazy playground, there’s also a teeter totter- where someone is always up and the other is always down- a swing set, the monkey bars – they can all be metaphors for however the crazy is playing out. You won’t always recognize that you’re stuck there. Sometimes you simply think you’re engaging in dialogue or discussion. But notice if it keeps going in circles. Notice if there always has to be a winner and a loser. Notice if you’re so used to it that you don’t realize that you are worthy and deserving of peace and serenity. Regardless of which vehicle you’re on in the playground, ultimately, sanity comes from disengaging and walking away. Do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy? Do you want tranquility, or do you want conflict? You take your power back by not only stepping off the merry-go-round, but actually walking to the edge of the playground, opening the gate, and closing it behind you to completely detach and liberate yourself. In my imagination, the land outside the gate of the crazy playground is serene, peaceful, and beautiful. You deserve to be there. When you find yourself in the crazy playground, use the imagery of walking out, closing the gate, and then set the boundaries needed, cut the cords, and choose peace instead of chaos. Focus on being the best you that you can be, and don’t give your power away to anything/anyone that disrupts your calm. If it helps, in your head say, “Not my circus, not my monkeys.” The more you disengage from crazy, the more you teach your subconscious that you won't allow it in your reality, thereby creating more harmonious people/circumstances in your life. You are worthy of contentment and well-being. May you find peace and sanity this week! Today I’m sharing a story to illustrate why I’m always telling you that you are responsible for your reality and your personal power:
This past week I was having a lovely Wednesday, everything was falling into place effortlessly and every errand was easy. Then I got to a grocery store that I hadn’t been to since the start of the pandemic. I was in a line for a bit, didn’t see any door monitor, and watched as a person would enter the store when someone else would come out. When it was my turn, as I was about to enter the store, the person who was supposed to be monitoring the door came running over and screamed at me because unbeknownst to me, the person who walked out was an employee dressed in regular street clothes. She did not say this nicely, she laid into me. It was shocking, and I calmly explained that how could I know the situation? She stormed off. Then I went into the store and asked an employee a question and the employee was phenomenally rude. At that point, I lost all neutrality; I was furious and just wanted out of there. I grabbed the few items I needed and left. I knew I had to clear my space, as I remind all of you, as I could still feel the attack energy from the first person. I said the Archangel Michael prayer and separated out energy, but I still felt awful. I was grumbling and bitching to myself and to my husband via text, that they just ruined my day. And then it occurred to me, why was I giving them the power to ruin my day? It was MY day and it had been going wonderfully. I needed to take responsibility. Now, am I saying I was responsible for her flying off the handle at me? No! Clearly, she and the other girl were going through something and taking it out on me. I could have continued to take it personally and let it ruin more of my day, but then I would be giving them the keys to my sanity. Uh, no thanks! Neither of them were worth it. So, I 1: Started smacking them all out of my space- literally smacking their energy out, while saying authoritatively to, "Get out of my space!" Remember- own your crown chakra, own your authority. No one else can be in your space unless you let them. I lobbed both their energies out of my space and back to them (I first cleared it nicely, sent it to the Universe, but that didn’t do it. Sometimes a person leaves their imprint on you and you need to send it back, like you’re playing tennis/baseball/golf). 2: I then imagined cutting all cords of energy between us- all communications, all energy exchange. 3: I started sucking my power back in, repeatedly, until I felt lighter. (I wrote extensively about taking your power back in my previous blog. Read here to learn the technique.) 4: I started proclaiming that it was my day and therefore I was choosing that the rest of it would be easy and elegant. After doing these, I completely shifted the remainder of my day; it was back to being wonderful. I owned/created my reality by my response. That’s what I mean by taking responsibility and taking your power back (which is being empowered). I think this is important to remember because it’s not only in big ways that you give your power away, it’s the daily little things. You choose how you react in circumstances and who you give the keys to your peace of mind. Choose wisely! If someone awful comes in and tries to take your peace, don’t let them! You are responsible for your reaction and your energy. Same with the past: are you still letting someone/something in the past determine your reality now? Do the techniques listed; stop dragging the past forward. And if the four steps above aren’t enough, go into a rage bubble, journal it, scream it in a safe way or beat your bed with a pillow. Get it out of you. Remind yourself – “I create my reality." Own your personal power now. Lately, every time it seems that we’re finally over some hurtles, more crazy energies appear, knocking us into more crisis and chaos. I’m certainly feeling it, and I know many of you are. So what’s the best way to cope when you feel like you can’t keep up and it’s all so overwhelming? Take your power back.
You’ve heard me say it over and over; I am always reminding you to take your power back from wherever you gave it. So what does that mean? Well, anytime you think something/someone has control over you or your situation, you gave your power to it. You allowed it/them to determine your mood/outcome/thoughts, instead of you creating your reality. It’s an illusion that they have the power and authority over you. The illusion can truly feel real, it can feel like they have the power, but they don’t. You always have a say. You can change your outlook, work through why you created/allowed the situation, forgive everything possible, and take your power back. One place many people give their power to is the government, especially where taxes are concerned. And because they are the “authority” it seems like you just have to submit. But that’s false. Over a decade ago I was audited. I made one error and they came after me, guns blazing. But I refused to allow them my power. I took my power back before every meeting and every phone call. I owned the outcome I knew I wanted and met them head on. And I won, because I wouldn’t give in. I owned my power. There are so many places where we tend to surrender our power: the court system, bosses, your ex, bills, money, illnesses, doctors, family, religious institutions- the list is endless. You can also surrender your power to curses, or to someone you believe wishes you harm- anything you deem more powerful than you. However, they are only as powerful as the power you give them. Without your consent, on whatever level, the energy dies. You are the ultimate authority in your life, remember that. Your power is precious, don’t surrender it. So how do you call it back? Quite easily. This is a method my friend Elizabeth Hyer-Rose taught me a very long time ago: Picture whomever/whatever in front of you that you feel has power over you. Say, “I take my power back from (fill in the blank), I take my power back!” Say it with authority, say it with command, and then inhale that power back into you. I always give a literal intake of breath to suck it in and really show my subconscious that I’m serious about pulling it back into me; it’s mine, it has to come back to it’s source. Now you may need to do this multiple times until you start to feel more energized and empowered. Do it as many times as is necessary. You can also picture the person/situation in front of you shrinking and disappearing every time you call your power back. They will eventually, “poof,” disappear once all your power is back to you. Simple, yet profoundly effective. Worried about money, take your power back from it. Facing an ex in court, take your power back from him/her. Feeling threatened by your boss, take your power back. Dealing with an illness, take your power back. There is no limit to where you may have surrendered your power so call it back as you need. Again, nothing has power over you except the power you give it. Let me repeat that, nothing has power over you, except the power you give it!!! So stop giving it, and claim and create the outcome you desire. You’re not powerless. As long as you can choose and think and imagine, you can change your reality. So start now. It’s time to live an empowered life! |
AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
October 2024