This past week I was in resistance. Like, knockdown, drag out, resistance to everything, resistance. It felt like I had sunk into all the lesser parts of me – self-pity, blame, perfection, fear, control – you name it. And what was below all this meltdown? Massive change coming. Sometimes we forget that when we are on the verge of incredible changes, all the lesser parts of us, and most specifically our negative ego, will do everything in their power to stop us from moving forward. And that’s what happened. How do you get through those times? You start by forgiving yourself. Because I was in such a spiral, all I could do every day was to acknowledge and forgive myself for being in the self-pity, and fear, etc., without judgment. Recognizing that something was going on deep inside, I could either keep fighting it, or surrender to it and work through and process those emotions. So I sunk into my fears, and my blame etc. and I threw tantrums and let them have their say. Once I did that and gave them a voice, then I turned my attention to the more of me and the light of me, and let that be the resounding energy. Then I was able to shift. I had to acknowledge the dark, but give much more weight to the light. And I didn’t even have a name for the light, it was simply a feeling and an awareness of the more empowered me.
So the next time you’re stuck in deep, dark emotions and you can’t seem to get yourself out, after giving them a voice, just sit and shift your attention to the light; the light of you and the light in you. Let that be the dominant feeling/focus. Because light is always more powerful than darkness.
This week a few of you have encountered difficult people in situations that have thrown you for a loop, and left you feeling depleted and spent. I wrote this blog to help all of you have the spiritual tools to function at your optimal, when having to deal with that stress.
- Put yourself in a shield of violet light before seeing the person. Really anytime you need extra protection. Visualize it as a violet egg around the outside edge of your space that repels anything negative that comes at you. You can also imagine more of a typical shield in front of you that repels what they're sending, be it control, fear, negativity, etc. - Ask your Higher Self to close down your chakras. This will help you to not take on their dramas or emotions. It will keep your energy intact. It's also useful before going into big crowds. - After you leave, separate out energy. Go back to the resources page on this website and look at the video that I have posted if you can’t remember how to do that. This can be done multiple times throughout the day, anytime you've talked to friends, coworkers, been running errands- literally anytime you feel you've picked up other people's energies and gave away yours. - Fill yourself with big golden suns of universal energy and vitality after you’ve separated out. Picture a big ball of light above your head coming in and filling up your entire body. Do this a few times until you feel more energized. - Make a slicing motion down the front of your space and ask your Higher Self to cut all cords between you and the other person. - Ask your Higher Self to shut down the energy exchange between you and the person. This way you're not continuing the conversation etc. as you walk away. All of these tools are invaluable and can be used daily as you need. Some will need to be repeated often, some not so much. They are a fabulous way to take care of yourself and keep your energy clear. What if you lived your life from this truth and practiced total acceptance of everything in your reality? Of course we’re always striving to grow and expand, but what if you knew, and trusted, that in this moment, everything is perfect?
Now you may say, “but I have bills due, I’m overwhelmed, my, (fill in the blank), is driving me crazy.” Ok, all that may be true but what if, vs fighting with reality and being angry or upset about what’s going on, you simply accept it? You take a deep breath, letting go of the upset, and say, “everything is perfect, exactly as it is.” What this acceptance does is take you out of resistance and into a place of peace. You can’t create change from a place of resistance, you will only create more of the very thing you don’t want. When you’re in resistance, you’re basically fighting the Universe, saying, “I don’t like this, it’s wrong,” and in that judgment towards what’s going on and your vehemence to get away from the issue, you’re holding it in by feeding it. Thus the adage, “what you resist, persists.” In acceptance, you’re allowing Universal flow and trusting in Divine order. In allowing, you can receive the help, guidance, and support you most need. The more you practice acceptance, the more you’ll find yourself in the present moment and that’s where your power is. |
AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
February 2025