This has been coming up a lot in sessions lately, so I wanted to address it here: if you have to take some sort of antibiotic or drug, instead of worrying about how it’s going to destroy your body, shift it. Transform it into something positive. Nothing is inherently bad; it’s how you perceive it.
You have the power to do that. Make your subconscious mind your ally. Let’s take chemo for example: there are those who see chemo as a horrible poison, yet I’ve had clients and relatives have miraculous success, with minimal negative impact, by visualizing the chemotherapy as the Liquid Light of God (Massive credit to Linda Foley for teaching me this; it's helped countless people). Before, and then during every treatment, this would be on repeat in their minds. They truly believed that they were being infused with Divine healing energy. That’s the key, you need to believe it. You can’t just say it as words. You need to have feeling and emotion behind it. You need to truly have every part of yourself convinced that this pill or liquid is miraculous. You can use this idea with any sort of drug or antibiotic, or even supplement, that you need to take. Hold it in your hand for a moment, holding your other hand above it, and infuse/imagine/tell that pill that it is pure source energy and tell your subconscious that as you take it, it’s coming in to heal you. Proclaim that your body thrives, and is compatible, with it. Tell your mind it’s bringing more light and vitality into your system. Use whatever words will get you really believing and feeling the joy of being healed. Sure, you can argue it’s the placebo effect, but why do you think placebos are so powerful? Because of the belief of the person! So why not take the actual item and transform it in your mind? Now, if you have to take something and you cannot get your mind around it, then either you need to do some more mental and belief work, or you need to change treatment options. Because if you think it’s going to damage or harm you, then it just might because that’s what you’re putting your energy and fear towards. Don’t give your power to your fears. Work through them, release them, and then focus on the outcome and healing you desire. Believe things can be changed. The subconscious mind is phenomenally powerful, use it to transform your reality.
There’s nothing wrong with slowing down and simply being. In fact, it’s necessary.
You're not awful/selfish if you take care of yourself first before helping others. You are the priority and as such, you need to put the oxygen mask on first. Your value does not lie in what you produce and achieve. Your value lies in who you are in your heart. Who you are as a soul. Do not compare your path to that of others. Your timing is unique to you. You are good enough, you are worthy, and you matter. It’s necessary to have fun, it’s not frivolous. Do more of what feels good and makes you happy. We all have many different aspects of ourselves: the inner child, negative ego, inner adolescent, the critic, the conscious adult, the inner coach, etc. - who’s driving your bus? Is it the conscious adult aware you? Or have you given the wheel to someone else in the list above? Are they running roughshod through your life, smacking into buildings and ripping up gardens, or are you driving on course with purpose, focus, and empowerment?
An element of taking responsibility for your life is recognizing which part of you is responding, and thus driving the bus, in every given moment. Only you can bring yourself into present time and respond as an adult. If you’re stuck in blame- still blaming mom and dad, blaming your circumstances, blaming others -you are not in your conscious adult; you have let your inner child or adolescent run the show. If you want to be treated like an adult and respected as an adult, you need to take your power back from those parts. You are not a victim to any aspect of your life. This can be hard to realize, but if you’re stuck in blaming, there’s a part of you unwilling to take responsibility. However, you always have a choice as to how you respond, and you can choose differently. Daily, even hourly, you can make different choices that are empowering. That release the past and help you focus on the future. Over a decade ago, I got completely triggered by something someone asked of me. I could tell my inner child was amping up with a vengeance because she was furious with the options presented. I paused the conversation with a brief, “Give me a moment,” excused myself, went into the bathroom, and threw a quiet temper tantrum with silent screaming for a minute or two, getting out all the stuck emotions. I gave my inner child full permission to vent all the reasons she was melting down. When she was done, I moved her aside, pulled myself together, tapped into my power, and came out of the bathroom to handle the situation like an adult. That technique worked so well, that I still use it as needed. And ironically, I was in a class last week and the teacher spoke of almost the exact same technique. So clearly others got the same idea I did and have put it into play. The key is to really go to town and stomp your feet etc., releasing everything negative your inner child, adolescent, or ego feel. Then come back out of the bathroom/room and calmly respond to the situation at hand. If you need more processing than a two-minute tantrum, then tell the other person you need to sit with what they said and walk away to work through the issue. This also is true of emails or texts- don’t respond out of emotional reactivity! Have adult you take the wheel. Your life is precious. Stop wasting it allowing the past to control and dictate your behavior; take conscious responsibility and choose how to spend your time and energy. The choice is yours. What is the value in grounding yourself?
The more grounded you are, the safer you’ll feel because you’re connecting to the planet, versus floating out of your body. Grounding helps pull your energy field around you so that you can condense into yourself, there by fortifying your space. You become less scattered, and more impenetrable to other people’s energies. Grounding helps you to be in present time, versus the past or the future. When you’re grounded, you’re less reactive and more empowered. You can think more clearly when you’re grounded. You’ll find you’re more focused versus being easily distracted. The more grounded you are, the easier to actualize your dreams because you can bring them out of the clouds and into your body/reality. Add to that running earth energy. Running earth energy calms anxiety. It also clears frenetic energy and fractured thoughts. Earth energy and grounding are calming balms to your system. We’re on the earth to BE on the earth. I’ve recorded many grounding meditations for you and tonight night I’m leading you in a detailed one to get you present and calm. We’ll also be doing chakra work to bring them into balance. You don’t have to be on the call live, the replay will be sent to all who join. There’s a reason I’ve been grounding myself since I learned how at age 22. If you’re anxious, scattered, fearful, and not in your body, join me. |
AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
August 2024