When dealing with the body, every so often you need a chiropractic adjustment when your muscles and structure have gone out of alignment. Sometimes they’re so used to being in the incorrect position, that you have to go back repeatedly to teach them to be in alignment. You would think the body could remember its perfect balance, but continued lack of harmony and the muscle memory of trauma, have lasting consequences.
The same holds true for your mind; it’s another muscle you need to work and multiple adjustments are called for to help it hold a new position. You can’t just say a new belief once and think all is fine and dandy. If you haven’t believed something up until now, you need to retrain your subconscious and cellular memory. You need to focus on what you do want and put your energy there. It may take time to correct since it took time to build the negative. It can be easy to fall into the upset of, “I changed that, why did it happen again?” Or, “See, I knew nothing would change.” But all that does is reinforce the old pattern/belief you’re wanting to release. Again, lasting change takes repeated focus. So, this week put your energy and attention on what you’re looking to create and build that muscle. Consistency is key. You have the power to change your reality.
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As today is the Fall Equinox, it’s a perfect day for writing/imagining/visualizing what you want to create by Winter Solstice, December 21st.
You can have a myriad of things you’re looking to manifest, nothing wrong with putting it all out there. However, to feel a sense of accomplishment, narrow it down to what matters most by picking the top one or two things that are your priorities to focus on in the coming months. Two things max because otherwise you spread yourself too thin. Then commit and make a plan: how will you bring those dreams into fruition? Regardless of whether it’s a creative endeavor, physical fitness, a change in mindset- whatever- commit to showing up daily, even if only for 15 to 30 minutes. If you over-extend yourself, then your mind and ego will create excuses to get you out of it. I say 15 minutes minimum but life happens, and some days are crazy. If you can’t do 15 minutes on certain days, do 5 minutes. What matters is that you engage with your creation daily; you claimed it's a priority so this will help you actualize it. If you find yourself consistently not showing up, then ask yourself if it really is a priority. No judgment- if it's not, let it go and choose what is. And if you go into procrastination, look at your fears below your desires. The more you show up, the more the Universe supports you. The more you create time, the more time works for you. You got this! I believe in you and can’t wait to hear of your accomplishments. Happy creating!! We all know those people who everyone gravitates towards. When they walk into a room, all eyes go to them. They are incredibly magnetic. Beyond charisma, part of that magnetism is them being present and in their body, radiating energy from their core with total confidence.
Recently I heard someone use the word, “embody” and it really sunk in in a deeper way for me what it means to embody say, beauty, feminine energy, grace, inner peace, or confidence. When you embody something, you own that frequency in your body. You are grounded in that vibration. You all know I harp on you to get grounded and present, and it’s because there’s so much more available to you when you do. You’re on this planet to be on this planet, not to be flitting and floating around. The more you can be in body, the more you can embody different energies. Have you been embodying vitality, or are you embodying fatigue? Are you embodying abundance, or have you been embodying lack? Are you embodying confidence, or self-doubt? You can change that right now. Regardless of the beliefs or thoughts or anything that may be swirling around in your space, imagine the vibration of what you want and bring it into your body. Let’s use an example of confidence. What would it look and feel like to embody confidence? How would your day go differently if you lived in that frequency? How would your posture change? Take a moment and get a clear image of that reality. Now, get yourself grounded and present by whatever method you most like. That could even be putting your attention on your feet, and moving your focus up through your body, to the top of your head, while breathing and centering yourself. Once you’re in your body and fully aware of it, imagine the energy of confidence flowing into you. Maybe it comes in your head, maybe your feet, maybe everywhere at once. As it flows into you, imagine it eradicating, simply by its presence, any doubts you’re holding (if you’re bringing in i.e. inner peace, let it eradicate stress. What it eradicates will change depending on what you’re calling in). Let the confidence swirl and flow through your entire body, energizing (or calming) your whole system. If your mind or thoughts protest, see that frequency of confidence gently moving into those areas of discord, washing them away. See yourself filling to overflowing with confidence. Embody confidence. Stay in this vibration for as long as you desire, until you feel that you can carry that energy with you. As I said, you can embody any energy. Pick one thing and stick with it until you really feel and see shifts in your reality. Until people respond to you differently. And they will. What is it you want to feel in your body? If it helps you, pick someone who embodies what you most want and watch how they move about the world. Play with this daily. It doesn’t need to take long. You can be in the energy for five minutes a day and it will begin to shift you. Obviously the more you’re aware and in it, the better, but start in increments you can commit to. This doesn't negate you doing the other inner work of clearing out faulty beliefs and processing through your issues, but it supports you in creating a vibrant new reality. As you co-create the new world, create your new world in ways that bring you greater presence and joy. Be the embodiment of a higher frequency of energy and light. This is a very interesting time right now; we live in a duality, so as the dark and constricting energy in the world seems to be ever increasing, at the same time, the light and expansive energies are growing exponentially. Chaos proceeds change: the greater the change, the greater the chaos.
Within that, I’m observing that access to assistance from the unseen realm is becoming more and more tangible, with quicker response time for many people. If you haven’t experienced this yet, that’s OK, that’s what we’re going to talk about today. The key is to trust. To choose to trust in the flow of life regardless of whether you’ve been hurt or disappointed before. To choose that you are in alignment with the flow of the Universe and that everything is working out in your favor. The opposite of trust is control. Control says, “I don’t believe this will work out for me, so I have to make it happen.” Control also says, “This situation/creation has to work/look exactly how I want or it’s a failure.” But the force behind the control brings forth resistance and blockages to the very thing you want. You can end up in struggle versus flow. In my own reality, I like to plan things. Yes, it’s definitely a way to try to control a situation. Recently however, as I was trying to plan something, I could sense that if I would just let go, surrender, and trust that everything was working out for me, that it would all fall into place elegantly and gracefully. I also visualized exactly what I wanted as the end result, gave gratitude (ahead of time) for it coming to pass, then stepped out of the way and allowed myself to be in the energy of flow and trust. I’ll admit, it was a difficult couple days because I wanted to get into my old habit of making things happen, but when that arose, I would take a breath, and surrender. In the course of a few days, not only did I receive something close to what I wanted, I then went into trust that the end result would somehow come to pass. And it did. While sitting in my gratitude for receiving the outcome I desired, I asked if this was a wise course for me to pursue as something felt off. I surrendered again, trusted that the answer would come, and after a couple days, realized there was a different outcome that was even better. It felt like the right choice even though it was far from my original plan. I would not have gotten to that highest truth had I not surrendered and trusted all along. Regardless of what happened to you in the past, I want you to affirm to yourself, “It’s safe for me to trust. It’s safe for me to be present in my reality. It’s safe for me to trust that all of the pieces I need are falling into place now, in the highest and best way, for my highest and best good, with harm to none. I trust that everything is working out in my favor.” Make that new choice now. Choose to trust in the flow of life. Choose to surrender your fears and ask for and receive the help that is readily available right now. Get still, listen, and follow your own inner guidance. It’s there, waiting. It may not make rational sense and that’s OK! It’s not supposed to be rational. When you get an intuitive hit, follow it. That’s the way you start to build trust. If you rationally talk yourself out of it or you ignore it, you are breaking trust with yourself therefore making it harder to build that muscle. If it feels right, or wrong, you have to honor that. The more you honor yourself and your intuitive knowing, the more clear it becomes, the louder it becomes, and the more available you are to receive the help that is there for you. So, this week make a choice of something you’re looking to bring forth/create, ask for help from the Universe, and then trust that it will appear exactly as is in your highest and best good. Even if you can’t see how or the way through, surrender and stay in the energy of flow. Build your trust and be ready to receive the miraculous. With everything upsetting going on in the world, this is a perfect time for everyone's favorite: Oracle cards!
Before that though, two comments on the last two blogs were especially poignant and I wanted to share them as reminders regarding Being the Solution, and Reclaiming Your Imagination from Your Negative Ego: H. said- "Wouldn't it be fascinating if we all continually asked ourselves, 'What is the most beautiful reality I can imagine here?' and then focused on that? Or if we said, 'What perspective would I most like to be wrong about?' Wouldn't that free up the space we're giving to our negative egos?" C. said- "My job is to dream the new future, the rest is distractions." May those comments be helpful to you. And remember, if you feel overwhelmed, connect to your 1st chakra at your base of spine, and remind yourself, “I am safe.” Now for some fun! I asked what everyone who picked, i.e. Card Number One, needed to know right now. As always, center yourself, breathe, ask your unseen team to guide you to the perfect card for you, get out of your head, trust your gut, then pick. May you gain answers and clarity! Card Number One Card Number Two Card Number Three Card Number Four ♥️ Sending extra support and healing to those in the U.S. in New Orleans and Northern CA/Lake Tahoe. |
AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
August 2024