As we begin this new year, I want to explain to you a visual and process that came to me when talking to a client about dreams, using my personal garden as a reference.
Imagine that all the dreams you’ve had for your life are part of your personal garden. Just like in a real garden, some of your plants/dreams die and if you don’t pull them out and weed them, they overcrowd the space and prevent the new seedlings/dreams from getting the sunlight that they need. Every time we begin a new relationship or a job or a project, we imagine and put forth all these visions of how it’s going to be and how it’s going to turn out, and we send those dreams into the future. Sometimes though those relationships, jobs, and projects don’t come to fruition or turn out the way we wanted. We’ve invested so much energy dreaming them, that when they die, if the energy isn’t released, it takes up space in our precious plot of land. Now sometimes you’ve excavated the pain and the emotions associated with the loss of those dreams, and sometimes, you haven’t. Today we’re going to weed what hasn’t been fully released, what still may trigger you, or what you’ve completely forgotten about. So, here’s a visual you can take yourself through. Read it once fully to get an idea of the steps, and then imagine and see yourself doing what I’m describing: ~ Take a moment to center yourself and quiet your thoughts. You can even count from five to one if it helps. When you’re ready, close your eyes and imagine that you can go within yourself to find your garden. See yourself in a beautiful place in nature, walking to a plot of land: it could be a raised garden bed or a plot, but either way, it’s got a boundary to it. That’s the garden of your dreams. There may be beautiful flowering plants or trellises filled with flowers or fruit, which is fabulous, but today we’re concerning ourselves with what’s between the flowers: dead plants. Walk over to your garden and if you like, put your gardening gloves on; you’re going to start weeding. Imagine yourself right now pulling all those weeds out, all those old dried up and dead dreams. Some of the dreams you may be aware of, and some you may have no idea what you’re pulling out. There may be dreams from childhood with the fantasies you had, or from when you were a teenager and you thought you would be a famous, fill in the blank. Those need to be weeded. As you pull the weeds, you may feel emotions welling up. If so, honor those and allow yourself to feel the feelings, be it sadness, rage, resentment- whatever arises. Feel the feelings as you hold that particular dead dream so the energy can be released. Then take your power back from that dream. Be aware that while some of the dreams have shallow roots, some have very deep roots. At the end of the season, I’ll find my tomato plants have rooted below all the other plants, taking up space and invading my garden. It’s the same with certain dreams. Some dreams you've been so heavily invested in them manifesting, that even as they died, that root system is still there, affecting everything else. You need to dig deep down to excavate all the roots. When you’ve got a dead plant in hand, imagine either a contained bonfire next to the garden or a big trash can. You need somewhere to toss those weeds. If you throw the weeds into the fire, imagine the fire is burning away the energy of the old, transforming and releasing it. If you put them in a big garbage can, at the end when it’s full, hand the garbage can to your Higher Self to be taken out of your space and again, the energy within, transformed. Either the fire or the trash can is a symbolic way to show your subconscious that you are letting them go. When all the weeds are gone, see bags of soil enhancer next to the garden. The soil enhancer is love, light, joy, and happiness. Open those bags and dump the contents into the garden and mix them into the soil. See the soil becoming a deep dark brown, rich and full of nutrients. Now think about what you want to create, and plant the new seeds that you have, the new dreams. If you need time to ponder this, that’s okay, you can come back at any time. In the meantime, feed the plants that are thriving in the garden already, by putting the soil enhancer around them. They’ll now have more space to expand and grow without the dead plants taking up precious minerals. Feed the garden your love. Imagine it raining love into the soil. As an add-on if it appeals to you, when you’re done with your garden, see yourself dropping the clothes you’re wearing that have been symbolic of the old you and the places you still were tied to the weeds. Throw those into the fire or hand them over to your Higher Self. Then off to the side, notice a box with a big bow in your favorite color. Open the box to find it filled with brand new beautiful, sparkling clothes that when you put them on, they feel so good and soft and cozy. They feel light and expansive. They feel energized and vibrant. Wear those as you exit the garden, filled with joy and happiness. When you're ready, open your eyes and move about your day. ~ The subconscious speaks in images so this is a powerful way to give it the message of what you no longer want, and what you desire more of. Get into it, the more emotion you bring the better. And when you’re done, celebrate your success. Happy weeding and may your garden sprout phenomenal new dreams!!
Let’s talk about the power of belief for a moment. Some of you tell me it’s so hard to change beliefs about yourself and what you can and cannot do in the absence of “facts,” and yet there are people who believed so much in something absolutely outside of their range of awareness, that they built a rocket ship and went into space. There are others who have believed so fervently in an idea, that they created new devices to aid people/the world: washing machines, computers, recycling plants, etc.
So when you say that you just can’t get past the idea that somehow you’re not worthy of creating this or that, how about if you decide to be like those inventors and explorers and put all of your energy and attention into the possibility that maybe your dreams can come true. That maybe you are smart enough and talented enough. A belief is nothing but a statement said over and over until it becomes your truth. So who’s truth are you living right now? Are you listening to the flawed adults from when you were little, or maybe even your own wounded inner child and misguided presumptions, or are you choosing instead to listen to the empowered adult in you? Let’s go under the assumption that you’ve been lied to by your negative ego and by those flawed authority figures from when you were a child/adolescent. Today, could you decide to start shining the light into a new truth? The truth of your worth and your value and that you actually are enough? Can you believe in yourself as much as those early explorers believed they’d find land? As much as Edison believed he’d be able to create a lightbulb? As much as the NASA scientists figured out how to put a man on the moon? If they could do it, surely you can take your power back from the past and focus your energy and attention into what you do want to create for yourself. And if your mind argues that nothing has been effective yet, you remind yourself that today is a brand new day and you have the power of choice. Forgive yourself for the past and choose to believe in yourself and your dreams. You’re worth it. I had a blog that I wrote for this week considering what went down last Wednesday here in the U.S., but I can tell that so many of you are just fried and need some gentle love this week. So, these are nothing new, they’re simply reminders that you might need right now:
The light is more powerful than the dark. Your light is more powerful than your dark. The world is changing, and the patriarchy and young souls are acting up and screaming, terrified of the changes. Don’t feed into the fear and the anger. Heal the places in you that are fearful and angry; wrap them in love and compassion. The more compassion you give to yourself, the more you send that frequency into the world. Forgiveness on all levels is the most profound healer. In your personal reality, forgive yourself and anyone or anything that you feel is blocking/inhibiting you. You have the power to set yourself free. On that vein, there are no victims. Call your power back from wherever you’re sending it. Yes the exhaustion is real right now. I feel it, and I know many of you do as well. There could be a myriad of reasons, but the energy is intense and it’s knocking a lot of people out. It’s not only what went down in Washington, as well as increased fears/fatigue around Covid, but it’s also the intensity of light streaming in to help us grow and evolve. Take good care of you as you detox your pain and the pain in the world, and as your body adapts to higher frequencies of light. Boundaries are necessary. Remove any energy vampires out of your reality if you can. Say no to any added burdens. Grounding is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. It helps you process and release both the chaos in the world, and it helps you to accept the higher frequencies coming in. Cutting cords is also necessary, not only with the news and with social media, but with others. Also remove any psychic hooks that attach you to your phone/news/social media. You don’t need to know exactly where they are, just ask your Higher Self to gently remove them and send them to the light to be transmuted and transformed. Breathe. We will get through this. You chose to be born during this time. Lead from your light as much as you can, and work through your own rage etc. The more you heal you, the more you heal the world. For those of you who are new to some of these topics, the highlighted words above will provide links to prior blogs to better explain the subject. You can also read more in the categories to the right. I wish you rewarding productivity, versus simple busyness.
I wish you surrender and trust, versus the forced controlling of an outcome. I wish that you know and feel the connectedness with all of life, versus feeling alone. I wish for you laughter and finding humor where you can, versus taking everything/yourself so seriously. I wish for you to be in the flow of all of life, versus fighting against the current. I wish for you to feel and know your personal power, versus falling into old patterns/beliefs of powerlessness. I wish for you strong boundaries; “no” doesn’t need to cause guilt nor is it a bad word. Your time and energy are sacred. I wish for you a quiet mind and the ability to relax. Magic happens when you can slow down and connect to the stillness within. I wish for you curiosity; follow what piques your interest, wonderful discoveries await. I wish for you creative expression. I wish for you to try more without a fear of failure holding you back. You never know what can come of your willingness to explore. I wish for you time that you put aside every day to meditate/exercise/be creative. Something that adds to your life. I wish for you radiant health and increased vitality. I wish for you freedom from addictions, of any sort. I wish for you more compassion and understanding; with yourself and others. I wish for you treating yourself like the valuable person you are. I wish for you to trust your instincts more than what others tell you. I wish for you to honor your needs; some of you are introverts, some extroverts. Know how you best react to the world and act accordingly. I wish for you more time in nature; it’s a phenomenal healer. I wish for you to stop justifying your existence; you are enough exactly as you are. You don’t need to do anything to prove that. I wish for you to see and own all parts of you. Your dark isn’t bad and wrong, it just needs to be honored and healed. Your light is magnificent; stop pretending it doesn’t exist. I wish for you love; to live and experience love from its true essence, versus man-made distortions. I wish for you that you forgive yourself and others more, and judge less. There is so much more I wish for you; I truly desire to see you thrive. So in closing, I will say that I wish for you a year in which you take risks, connect more deeply to yourself, own your worth, and live from your gratitude and happiness. Life is meant to be fun. Regardless of what’s happening in the world, be empowered and create a life that brings you joy. |
AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
February 2025