There's been a theme of personal crisis in sessions this week and last week, with traumas front and center. Many of us are feeling the intensity of these times. The energy of change is causing us to feel unsettled, confused, at our limit, and like everything is upside down.
As my fellow healer Brynne Dippell says, “Great change is upon us. Massive, fundamental change, in which the very foundations of our lives are shaking apart.” If you're not feeling what I named above, just save this blog for if you ever need it. If you are, know that you're not alone. I created a new YouTube to help with panic attacks. It’ll help anxiety and fear too. You don't have to be in the midst of a panic attack to listen, you can use it whenever you’re feeling out of sorts. For those of you who prefer to read rather than watching, the process is below. For all of you, be extra gentle with yourself and rest as often as needed. Self-care is a priority when the chaos gets amplified and boy oh boy is it amplified! Process to heal Panic Attacks, Fear, and Anxiety: ~Put one hand over your forehead and one over the back of your neck. This will calm the vagus nerve, your fight or flight response. (To learn more, click here) ~Breathe. ~Squeeze your toes. ~Look at the clock. State the time and the date out loud. State your name and age out loud. This will begin to bring you into present time. ~Touch the place of panic. Maybe the heart or stomach- it could be anywhere, or a combination of places. Begin to gently tap the place/places. Then say to that area, “Body, we are safe. In present moment present time, we can be safe.” ~Do the left ear tapping (click here for a reminder). ~Imagine roots growing from your feet, deep into the earth. Imagine a huge tree trunk growing from the base of your spine to the center of the planet, where it will hook in. Imagine all the frenetic energy in your body releasing down these grounding cords, helping to soothe and calm your body. ~Now imagine yourself cocooned in a huge, beautiful ball of light of your favorite color. As if you’re in the middle of a snow globe. Allow this cocoon of light to hold your body in a safe and sacred space. ~Breathe deeply into the abdomen, as best you can. Place one hand on your lower abdomen and on the inhale, extend your lower abdomen outward. On the exhale, allow your abdomen to relax. Do this a few times. ~Tapping again, let’s Ho'oponopono the area holding the anxiety, fear, or panic. Say to that area: “I love you body. I'm so sorry we're experiencing this energy. I forgive and release whatever is stuck here. Thank you for helping me.” Repeat that. ~Still tapping, say: “It's safe for me to come back to myself, even in the midst of panic. It's safe for me to connect to myself, even in the midst of this panic. It's safe for me to love myself, even in the midst of this panic. It's safe for me to begin to anchor back into my body, even in the midst of this panic." ~Feel that grounding cord and if it would help, imagine that grounding cord growing upwards, encasing your whole body in a rooted place of safety. For some, that will feel soothing and calming, for others, restrictive. Do what’s right for you! ~ Continuing to tap, say: “I take my power back from this panic. I choose to begin to feel safe. I choose to experience safety in present time. It's safe for me to ground out all of this remaining panic now. Even if I don't have all the answers, it's safe for me to begin to root into my body in present time. I forgive and release all of this energy that’s stirred up and I choose to ground it out now. I forgive and release anything tying me to the past and I choose to ground it out now. I forgive and release anything creating panic from the future, and I choose to anchor into the now.” ~If you can’t connect to yourself or your body yet, that’s ok. Imagine you’re under a beautiful blue waterfall of light- your favorite shade of blue. Let it flow down your nervous system and throughout your entire body, flushing out any energies that aren’t allowing a state of calm. Anything that no longer serves you. Close your eyes and feel that waterfall helping you match a state of calm. Do this for as long as you need. Let it run through the muscles as well, releasing any tension. ~If the area is still amped up, tap the area of upset again. Say, “I love and accept you.” Whatever you can’t accept will get stuck like glue in your space. So even though it doesn’t feel good, the energy of acceptance will begin to dissipate it. Whatever got stirred up is scared; we want to soothe those parts of ourselves. ~Continue tapping and saying out loud: “You are not bad and wrong. You are worthy and deserving of love. I love and accept you. I forgive and release whatever remaining energy is stuck here, keeping me separate from myself. I love and accept myself.” Even if you hear parts of you opposing your words, say them anyway. Repeat multiple times. ~Wrap yourself in a hug. Literally put your arms around yourself and hug yourself. Then rub your arms and legs. When you panic, you swirl up and out of your body. Touch will help bring you in. ~If there’s still residue, go take a walk or an Epsom salt bath. Do something that feels good to you. You can also use Bach flower remedies. Skip to the 15 minute mark in the video and I show you 3 different ones that are beautifully effective! May this help you tremendously!!
To further the discussion from last week regarding emotions and stories, I had a morning recently when fear was loud, and I knew I needed to change the frequency before it spiraled out of control.
I started by acknowledging it and saying, “Hey fear, I hear you, I feel you, and I'm not going down that road.” I could still hear it, so I then gently added, “Stop it.” I took some deep breaths, grounded myself to the center of the planet, then imagined dropping the fear out of my body and aura. I imagined the heaviness of that emotion, like a lead weight, dropping deep into the ground to be transmuted. I kept dropping it until I felt lighter. Simultaneously, I chose not to engage the story it was trying to tell. That’s the mental spin and the opposite, the healing, is full presence and connection to earth energy. I ran slow, calming, brown earth energy through my body. (previous blog) As that was soothing my body, I took my power back from fear. (previous blog) I then asked myself, “What do I choose to experience instead?” Depending on the fear, you’ll know what you need. It could be a sense of having or being enough, safety, radiant health, peace etc. I created a simple statement to augment what I chose in place of the fear and kept repeating the new statement. For example: “I am safe.” “My body is now healing beautifully.” “There is always enough money (or time).” “Everything is now falling into place easily and elegantly.” “I am safe, even when facing the unknown.” I kept breathing out any remaining fear, while grounding in present time and stating my name, the date, and the time. I also tapped around my left ear to re-set my brain and nervous system (video reminder here). Once the fear released and I felt calm, I acknowledged that present and future me is in charge, not fear. So again, using the power of choice, I asked, “What am I choosing to draw to me?” I got a vision of the future I wanted in place of the fearful future. That could be an image of you as healthy, safe, or financially secure etc. Whatever issue fear was stirring up, see its exact opposite reality and imagine grabbing it from the future, and pulling it into the now. Then feel fully the feelings of peace, safety, health, enoughness, or happiness, and let what you desire be the only feelings you feel. I know sometimes fear feels bigger than you but it’s not. The more quickly you catch it as it’s building, the more you stop the production of stress hormones and re-wire your neural pathways to allow less of it in the future. Think of it as a train that you refuse to let leave the station. You have the power to stop a fear spiral. When I was first learning how to clear haunted houses, we were told to laugh at the ghosts or to stay super light-hearted and laugh within ourselves. The reason being, when you can laugh at something, no matter how dark it is, it cannot have power over you. It cannot get the upper hand.
The ghosts in the houses I cleared hated that by the way. They would get meaner and nastier the more I laughed out loud and said things in a funny voice such as, “Oh you’re sooo scary.” As angry as they would get, they couldn’t touch me. Why? Because I was owning the power of my light with absolute authority. The laughter, the light, was more powerful than any fear they were trying to provoke. They shrank back from it. I bring this up because the misconception I’ve spoken of before is once again rearing its head for many, which is that if you're filled with light, the dark will be attracted to you. That is an absolute lie designed to keep you small and fearful. Your light does not attract darkness. Your light is safe. Being filled with your light is a deterrent and can hold anything at bay. But you have to believe that. If you believe the opposite, you will attract the opposite. When you're scared, it can feel like you want to shrink within yourself so that nobody notices you. Like an animal in the wild getting still and trying to hide when in danger. But think about how much more powerful it is to be a lion or a lioness who takes up space and doesn't shrink. Who commands the space so that nothing gets close. I get it, even with my training, if something fearful catches me off guard, I sometimes freeze and shrink when I’m threatened. And yet, when I can remember, I've seen time and again that if I extend my light and my energy and claim more space, negative and dark people and situations back off. Even if you’re not laughing, refusing to shrink while choosing to stay in the light is a power in and of itself. If you keep filling yourself with light and claiming ownership of your space, nothing can get in. Simultaneously, you need strong boundaries; you need to be aware of your body and your energy field. And clear any faulty subconscious beliefs that the darkness is more powerful than the light. If you're always taking on other people’s emotions and issues, fill your second chakra with your energy and your light. If you're always giving your power away and you feel a lot of anxiety, fill your third chakra with your power and your light. If you feel so empathetic that you're giving away your heart energy, call it back to you and fill your fourth chakra with your energy and your light. The more you are filled with your energy and your light, the more powerful you become. Then when fears arise, you’ll be more able to laugh at them to dissolve them. Be that lioness, be that lion. Own your space from the power of your light and watch the darkness disappear. Side Note: When you fill with your light, while white light can be very protective, it’s too high of a frequency and will shoot you out of your body and that's the opposite of what I'm speaking of above. I want you in your body where your power is, not out. Which means see and use gold light instead. Or whatever color feels representative of your light. Are you doubting your abilities and if you’re good enough? You’re not alone. Doubt is the biggest killer of dreams.
Doubt will have you creating stories of fear and telling yourself why it’s better to just stay in the shadows, “Don’t put yourself out there, people might laugh or worse, ignore you.” If you’re already fearful, the idea of complete humiliation or total dismissal is enough to keep you in procrastination or avoidance. But the world does need you. It needs your insights, your perspective, and your wisdom. “Who me?” You might ask? Yes you. You reading this. Doubt can block you from speaking up at work, in a relationship, in taking action towards your dreams, or in your creative expression. No area is immune. Let’s confront your doubt, which really is an aspect of your fear… ~ Imagine a beautiful bubble of purple/violet light surrounding you to hold you in a safe space. Either close your eyes and put yourself in a calm, meditative space (obviously you’ll need to peek at the prompts below) or grab a journal to write both sides of the conversation. Invite the personification of your Doubt - or your Fear behind it - forward to speak. If you’re in a meditative space, you may see it as a version of you or as a color or shape. Be open to how it appears and don’t anticipate the outcome because it may look like a color you love. That’s a clue as to how it hides and seduces you into listening. If you're writing, let the words from Doubt/Fear flow, without editing what it's saying. Once you see it or sense it’s presence, welcome it and tell it you’d like to dialogue. It’ll only be too happy to speak. Ask it, “What’s the worst thing that could happen if I pursue X and put myself out there?” Then listen to the response, even if it’s awful. Doubt/Fear may give you a concise answer or it may have a litany of terrible scenarios. Once Doubt/Fear is done speaking, say, “I hear you, but what else could happen? What’s below what you spoke of?” Doubt/Fear may still be upset and ramble, or it’ll get quiet and whisper. Keep asking what’s below until you get to the core wound. How do you find the core wound? Here’s an example: Let’s say in the first inquiry, Doubt/Fear says you’re not smart enough and gives you details of all the ways you’ll be made fun of. When you ask, “What’s below that?” Maybe it’s fear of humiliation and judgment. What’s below that? Maybe it’s a fear of being ostracized. Below that? Fear of abandonment. Below that? Maybe the core is fear of being alone. Now for someone else, maybe the core is the humiliation, so that person doesn’t need to dig further. I've summarized these fears into easy to understand sentences, but you may have to interpret the words/feelings because it may not be so overt. Go until you feel the truth in your gut. Until you remember when you put yourself out there and something bad happened. Or maybe you saw it happen to someone else and decided you’d never put yourself in that same situation. Maybe it’s a limit one of your parents had. Regardless of whether it’s yours or another’s, find the deep root truth. Once you know your truth, then you can set about changing that belief system. Write out a quick summary of the responses you got on a blank piece of loose-leaf paper, going to the core wound. When it's complete, call your energy and power back from the list; imagine yourself getting stronger/bigger energetically. Next, if it’s tied to a specific event or person, jot down the event or person on the same piece of paper. In your mind, imagine erasing the event/events that lead to this core Doubt/Fear. Take your magic eraser and tell your subconscious that you’re erasing the negative impact from that event(s). Feel even more of your energy coming back to you in present time as you do. If there’s no event you know of, no worries, skip that part and focus on the core wound. Now, cross out everything you’ve written and write “VOID” across it in big letters. Then tear it up and either burn it or throw it away, thus showing your subconscious that you’re done with it. Once that’s complete, write the opposite of the core wound on a clean piece of paper, the new belief you choose to have instead. Using the example above, you could write, "The more I pursue X, the more love and community there is in my life." Find what new belief would excite and engage you. Maybe write it with a colored pen or on a beautiful piece of paper. Write it large! Then read it daily with feeling, until it sinks in and becomes your new reality. ~ It’s time to regain your light, your creative expression, your vision. It doesn’t have to be grand, but it does matter because it’s your desire. Our desires were given to us because we have the capability to bring them into being. They’re not there to torture us as something unattainable. So start small; gather your courage. Your courage to pursue that which could augment your life and bring you more joy- from a creative project to a promotion, to a healthier relationship. Do it for you. Because you can’t control how others will respond, but if you can imagine the pursuit of what you want to bring forth to be of infinite value, you will have good ammo to tell Doubt/Fear, “Not today, thank you.” Then show Doubt/Fear the door. Deep fear has been coming up a lot lately in sessions so if you’re one of the people dealing with it, as much as you can, try to observe the thoughts without making them personal: “Oh, there goes that fear thought again. I’m not this fear, this fear isn’t real. I can release it, I can let it go and choose what I want to see instead.”
Recognize the fear is trying to get you out of your body, out of present time, and projecting a scary future at you. It’s your negative ego wanting to make you feel powerless. Take your power back from it and then focus on something that brings you happiness. If it gets too intense, focus on your hands or feet. Bring your awareness into your body. The more you deeply pay attention to what your i.e.: hands feel like, the more the spin with stop. (Eckhart Tolle says hands, I personally like feet because it grounds me. I have a guided meditation you can listen to to help.) Here are some things you can say to yourself out loud or in your head when the fear/anxiety gets high: I am safe. I am willing to experience safety in my reality now. I am safe and protected when I go out into the world. I can be safe in the world even in the chaos, even in the unknown. I am more powerful than my fears. My light is infinitely more powerful than any dark. I now choose to see the unknown as an exciting place versus a scary place. I create my reality. I am powerful. I now take my power back from _____ (fill in the blank- anything/anyone you gave your power to.) It is safe for me to have strong boundaries. I no longer have to take on the chaos in the world. I can create my reality in the unknown moment by moment. I am not my body, I am not my fears. It’s safe for me to release control and simply be in the moment. I always have a choice. I choose to see peace instead of this. I have the power to create a reality of peace. I will triumph over all challenges. I can overcome any obstacles. I am ready, willing, and open to receiving positive things in my life. Good things now come to me. My inner strength is invincible. I am Divinely supported. The Universe is on my side. Have an empowered week! I know you’re overloaded, so today, we’re focusing on what we can control and do during this time. As much as you can, don’t feed the fear. Remember this brilliant quote: “I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.” ― Mahatma Gandhi Here’s what has helped me tons, may it bring you peace and sanity as well! 1: Say the Archangel Michael prayer: You need to keep your space clear. Just going outside right now you will most likely pick up lower vibrational energies that feed on this panic. Use the prayer - especially if you feel angry. It could be yours or other people’s. Remember, people are angry because they’re scared. Click here for the prayer. 2: Separate out energy: You need to disconnect your energy from those around you. It takes only a few minutes and I highly recommend you do it often. Here is the typical script I use. I added a few specifics for right now in parentheses. The visualizing below each part is part of the process: “My Higher Self, please take everyone’s energy (fears, hysteria, terror, chaos) and power, out of my aura and body, send it all into the light of Divine Source to be cleansed, rinsed and healed, transmuted and transformed into pure love and light (peace and calm) and then returned to wherever it goes.” (Imagine it all leaving your space, going into the light. Then see it flowing back out of the light as beautiful love and light, raining down on where/who it came from.) “And please call all of my energy and power back from everybody’s auras and bodies, (if you’ve been out you can add: from any stores I was in, from driving) and send it all into the light of Divine Source to be cleansed, rinsed, and healed, transmuted and transformed into unconditional love and light, and then returned to me.” As that is happening, add; "Cut all cords between me and anyone I was in contact with and shut down any energy exchange." (Then see your energy and power being returned to you as pure love and light, filling your space to overflowing; every cell, every atom of your being, filled with pure light, energizing and replenishing you.) I say this as often as needed throughout the day and for sure before bed. I have a video on my resources page showing a way to do this but this script is more detailed for you. 3: Call your energy close to you: Imagine all of the energy that you’re currently sending out, turning and facing in towards you. It’s yours, keep it. Once you feel it back around you then: 4: Put a bubble of protection around you: I like violet, it repels negativity. You can use whatever color you prefer, all are fabulous: blue, rose pink, green, white, gold- do what appeals to you. I ask that my bubble vibrate at pure love. Pure love is a very strong shield. 5: Breathe, Connect to the planet, Feel the earth, and Ground: More than ever you need to ground. The energy and hysteria is designed to keep you out of body. You have to connect to the earth. If you notice you can’t sit still or you’re wandering aimlessly without focus or you just want to watch the news- you’re ungrounded. I have many previous blogs on this. Look in the category section under the archived blogs to read more. 6: Tapping: It can be a super simple, just speak your own fears, angers, worries etc. while the tapping the points. Then switch to positive statements when you’ve released the negative. I made you a video to help. Watch below at the bottom of the blog. 7: Epsom Salt Bath: It’s a godsend to get people and negative energy out of your space. It works amazingly well when nothing else will or when negative energies are hiding in your space. Salt has a powerful cleansing effect. 8: Turn your attention off of yourself and help someone else: Send love and light to someone you know who’s having a hard time, and then, send it to the whole world. Visualize the world being held in a bubble of healing and siphon all the pain, fear, and trauma up into the light of Source. Be part of the solution! Whenever you’re wrapped up in your own issues/problems, the fastest way through is to help someone else. 9: Retreat from social media and the news, except in small snippets: For the most part, those mediums amp up the issue without offering solutions or hope. It can dive-bomb you. Be selective. Don’t feed the fear! 10: Do a meditation to co-create a positive future: I recorded this for you to not only co-create a positive future for the world, but also for yourself. I’ve kept the meditation more general so that it can be used for any issues/crises going on in the world. You can’t solve a problem if that’s all you see so hopefully this will help you gain perspective. Listen at the bottom of the blog. It can be hard to remember in the midst of this hysteria, but you create your reality. Personally, I refuse to allow a reality of limited freedom for much longer. I value freedom, I value peace. I refuse a reality of hysteria. Take your power back and do not feed the fear. It’s not being ignorant, you can be wise, and simultaneously, be empowered. Everyday fill yourself with light from Source, as if being filled with a giant sun illuminating and shining from within, snuffing out any and all darkness. Literally be the light. And since we are in a global pause, what is the world you would like to see as we come out of this? I’ve often talked about the power of pause as a reset. What is it you would like to happen as the play button gets hit again? You can choose to see beauty, or you can choose to see darkness: the choice is yours. Have a calm, empowered week! Here is your guided meditation:
Here is your tapping video: Since fear is incredibly high in the world right now, and the best way to alleviate fear in the world is to deal with your own deep fears, that’s what we’re going to do this week.
I want you to take a moment and think about some of your deep fears. Now maybe they won’t be immediately apparent, so let’s look at behaviors and patterns of being. For example: Maybe you over do and over give again and again. You find that no matter how much you try, you cannot sit still and just be. It seems that you always have to be doing or giving. So let’s dive deeper into that: maybe your worth is in your giving and doing. Maybe there’s a secret fear that if you’re not doing, you have no value. Or maybe you think that if you don’t overdo, the deeper fear is that you won’t be loved. This scenario can play out in multiple ways in which two people can have the same behavior, but both have a different deep core fear. Taking that same behavior as an example, maybe the deepest fear is that you’re not good enough. And so you have to continually do to prove to yourself and the world, that you are enough. With that as the deepest core fear, maybe you always do everything perfectly. Everything around you: the way you present yourself, your home, your family, all has to be perfect. This could also be how not good enough plays out. If you’re always try to control yourself or those around you to do it right, how much underneath that is the fear that you’re not good enough? Just sit with that. The deeper fear could also be that you won’t be loved unless you do it perfectly. See how two people can have similar behaviors but different core issues? Let’s look at a different behavior: maybe you find that you just can’t/won’t set boundaries. Every time you try, you acquiesce and don’t hold them. Let’s dive into some fears there: maybe you fear that the person will get mad at you. OK, what happens if they get mad at you? They pull the love away. If they pull the love away, you could potentially be alone. Maybe that fear of rejection is so deep that you will do anything; even let people override you and your wishes, to ultimately not be alone. For some, that’s the bottom, for others, it might be being be unloved. In either case, maybe the fear of rejection is what you’re aware of, yet more deeply; it’s the loss of love and being alone. The fear of not being good enough, the fear of ultimately being alone, these are core fears. They will create behaviors that, even if you know they are harmful for you, sometimes you do them anyway because the fear controls you on a subconscious level and makes you feel so unsafe unless you continue the negative pattern. Do not judge your fear; absolutely forgive yourself for it. You could get mad at it, but that will just hold it in place. You created the pattern and behavior at a point in your life where you truly thought this was the way to survive. Find some compassion and forgiveness towards yourself because those are the energies that will shift it. Anger and blame will only hold the fear in place more strongly. Let’s look at one more example: Maybe you’re an incredible achiever. You achieve, you reach goals, and you shine fabulously in everything you do. However, you feel that what drives you is trying to show that you do matter. Yes, maybe for you at first it’s that you’re good enough, but if you dive deeper, maybe the core is that you matter; that your presence matters. And so you spend your life proving that by being an overachiever and accomplishing things. Nothing wrong with those things inherently, I’m saying look at the why of what you do. With every example above, look at the motivation behind the behaviors, and find the deep fears. Maybe within my examples, when you look at your ability to achieve, you see that you actually do it from a positive place. Then fantastic! I’m not saying all of these examples are done from fear. I’m saying notice where your fear plays out for you. It will be different for everyone. One person’s positive behavior is another’s that is fear-based at the core. Two people can achieve a goal and one of them does it from the higher reason of expressing the more of themselves and bringing their gifts to the world, while the other person may do it because they need to prove to themselves that they really are good enough, that they really do matter, and that they have value. So that’s all I’m saying, simply notice. By noticing, you take away the power of the negative and can start affirming the positive of what you do want in your reality. Be observant this week, and do not feed your fears. The way the world has less fear is by you dealing with yours. It starts with you. Fear is up hard core right now for those across my state of California and for those in the world.
Fear serves both the positive purposes of keeping you safe and giving you messages, and it can also become negative and spiral you into panic, knocking you out of your body and into darkness. As hard as it can be when fear is high, the more present you are and the more you can ground yourself, the better you’ll respond to what’s happening. Now I understand that’s not always possible. Sometimes fight or flight is absolutely necessary. I’m talking here about the times that you can do something other than meltdown and feed the panic. Here are seven techniques to help: 1: Take your power back. Do not give it to your fear; do not feed your fears. As a present time example that you can apply to anything in your life, I have chosen to glance at the news only a couple times throughout the day to get my fire updates, and then I ignore it and take my power back and re-write the headlines as I choose to see them. I am not being ignorant; I am deliberately choosing to stay empowered in the face of hysteria and rising dread. I literally call my power back and own what I do want versus what I don’t. I become even more determined in my end goal when I do this. To read a previous blog on how to take your power back, click here. 2: Transform fear. This is based on a Lazaris technique. Close your eyes and ask your Higher Self to join you and to help you, even if you have no concept of them. Now imagine that you can take your fear out of your body and place it in front of you. See what it looks like: see its shape and color. Really get into seeing it, imagine it fully; maybe it has a texture, maybe it has a sound. Notice this. Now ask your Higher Self to help you transform your fear. Imagine all the color and the shape being pulled apart and suctioned up into the light of Divinity. Don’t get stuck on how to do it, simply watch it breaking apart, watch the threads being dismantled as it goes into the light. Now imagine your Higher Self reaching into the light and bringing down raw, shapeless, colorless energy. The raw power that was once your fear, is now able to be transformed into new energy. See it transforming into its new shape and new color. See it growing and become aware if it has sound and texture. Allow the new shape and color to be one that opens your heart and helps you feel strong. When it is complete, bring the new shape into your space and feel yourself standing tall and empowered as you embody all that raw beautiful love and light. 3: Ground yourself. Your personal fear and panic will knock you out of your body. If you’re in an area with collective rising panic and terror, that will knock you out as well. If you have the wherewithal and are not directly impacted, then the more grounded you are, the more you can help ground the fear and panic in the area. Listen to last week’s meditation and add in a part where you literally ground the panic in your area. Imagine a grounding cord under the areas of trauma and ground all of that panic and fear floating in the air. Imagine the white light raining into those places, soothing and calming people. You be the one to do it when others can’t. You be the change. For those who are empathic, you especially need to be grounded. 4: Hold the vision of the reality you are choosing. Yes you are part of the collective, but you are also an individual. Use your will and your determination to stay strong in the outcome that you are choosing. Even in the face of obstacles and people that tell you otherwise, keep owning what you do want regardless of how many people are panicking and telling you it’s not possible. Everything is possible. Do not get swept up in adding your voice to the fear chorus. Own a different reality even if you are the only one holding that vision. There is tremendous power in taking a stand for the light. 5: Face your fears: What’s the worst that could happen? Go there. Imagine it in detail. Confront it. Play it out. When you get down to the deepest, worst bottom that could happen, look around and notice that you’re still there, you’re still standing, you aren’t destroyed, you are more than that imagined outcome. In that core of destruction, find the kernel of your light hidden amongst the ruins. It’s there, look for it. Find it. Grab it. Own it. Allow it to expand. It’s the truth of you. Feel it fill you with power, fill you with light, fill you with the truth of who you really are. You are not this body, you are not this reality. You are infinite. When you step into that truth, you are unstoppable. Feel into that. Own yourself as an expansive being of light and move forward from there, imagining what you do want to create for your reality. 6: Breathe into your solar plexus This is a technique that Dr. Sue Morter teaches. Solar plexus breathing helps stabilize the mind and is very effective when you’re afraid something big is coming your way and when you feel overwhelmed. It helps you transcend your fears. First, do the deep belly breathing I had you do in last week’s meditation. That’ll calm the emotional body. Next, I want you to focus on the area of your body above the naval where the ribs splay apart. You are going to isolate your breath to this area. It takes practice. You will not want any movement in either your upper body, nor in your belly. In that solar plexus area, as you inhale, imagine that area expanding to the size of a grapefruit, and as you exhale, imagine the area becoming the size of a baseball. Continue breathing this way until you notice a calm come over you. If it’s hard to isolate that area, you can pull your shoulder blades together and down and contract your pecs, like you’re going to do a push-up. Again, there should be zero movement in the shoulders or lower abdomen. Keep practicing until you get it, it’s extremely effective. 7: Be in the present moment. My kinesiologist taught me this years ago, it’s a way to physically anchor a statement into the subconscious and the body. The statement we’re going to use is, “I choose present moment, present time.” You’ll say that at least three times in a row and up to ten times if need be, tapping around your left ear. You can say it as often as needed. I made a video to help explain it, watch it here. I wrote this blog because of the palpable panic in Los Angeles, but these techniques can apply to any situations of natural disasters or personal illnesses and fears. Again, sometimes if you are directly impacted you will not have the wherewithal to do these things, which is why it’s important to always reach out for help when you know that you’re swept up in terror and can’t step into a place of power. Do not make fear your enemy, befriend it, because sometimes its lessons are very important, and sometimes, you must take your power back from it. |
AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
January 2025