It’s that fun time again that you all love, Oracle Cards!
I asked what each person who picked, i.e. card number one, needed to know or needed to heal during these next few months of Fall Equinox. As always, center yourself, breathe, ask your unseen team which card is right for you, get out of your head, trust your gut, then pick a number between 1-4. If you always choose a specific number, don’t automatically pick it; allow yourself to be led to the message/number you most need right now. And as I’ve told you before, if your card doesn’t resonate, dig deeper. There’s a reason you pulled it, don’t just dismiss it. Why did you pick that one? What part of you has a message there? And if it does resonate, great! Happy picking and may your number bring you clarity and insight! Card One Card Two Card Three Card Four *Reminder- I'm out of the country soon so all emails etc. will be returned on October 17th! See you then!!
There’s such an obsession with good and bad; is something you do good, or is it bad?
Religions have amped this up to the nth degree; there’s no gray area. And what gets lost? Pleasure. Joy. Because if you’re constantly judging whether something you do or eat or experience is good or bad, there’s no room to be human and to explore, experiment, and enjoy life. Instead, you could ask yourself, “Is this something that would benefit me, or harm me? Is this something that will elevate me, or diminish me?” We use the idea of good or bad with emotions as well. Anger is bad, selflessness is a virtue. But is that true? Anger can be super useful, positive, and motivating. Selflessness can be sacrificing and filled with martyrhood. As long as we believe in the black and white paradigm, we’re under the control of our mind. We’re not able to stay neutral and see if something is, as my friend Linda Foley reminds me, “Not good, not bad, just is.” I recently became aware of a dark past life of mine that needed releasing and healing. To remind you, we’re all here to learn from and live lives in the spectrum of lightest light, to the darkest dark. We want to experience the full range of what it is to be human, to ultimately come into the center. So, this past life of mine wasn’t easy to look at as I was the playing the role of what I deemed to be, "a villain." I immediately judged what I was doing in that lifetime as completely bad and wrong. In that judgment, I separated from myself and from neutrality and went into self-condemnation. It also made sense why others who act in a similar "villain" role now as to what I did then, receive the brunt of my rage this lifetime. In condemning them, and myself, there was no room for healing, understanding, or forgiveness. Thus, I created more separation from the light and Source energy, and that’s what we’re all here for; to release separation and come back to a sense of oneness with All That Is. To come home. You cannot be one with Source energy if you have judgment towards yourself or others. There’s no room for it in the true essence of love. In ultimately understanding why I would choose such a role and what that me believed to be true, I could forgive and release the past, and myself, from that prison. In healing that internal division, it brought more healing towards the division in the world. And we sure need that right now. As often as you can, come back to neutrality so you can live more of your light. Heal your own inner division of good versus bad, and you heal the world. It starts with you. |
AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
February 2025