We often think of self-love simply as nurturing ourselves and thinking loving thoughts about ourselves, but what if we expand the definition?
Letting things be easy is an act of self-love. When you force an issue, you’re controlling it and that usually create stress. That’s not loving to you, or the people around you. Instead if you allow things to be easy, meaning you consciously choose and then receive ease, there’s more flow and more time for you to put your energy elsewhere. It also creates more calm, versus chaos, in your reality. Trusting things will work out in your favor is an act of self-love. Why? Because it says that you know you’re taken care of and you know the Universe has your back. It also says that regardless of what happens, you’ll be able to handle it. That’s self-trust, which then augments more self-love. How about letting yourself relax and recharge? It seems obvious that downtime is an expression of self-love and yet, do you give it to yourself or do you validate your existence through doing and busyness? Allowing yourself time to just be is self-loving. Creativity is an act of self-love because you’re connecting with your soul and expressing more of who you are. Putting yourself first and making sure that all your needs are taken care of before taking care of others is an act of self-love. If this causes guilt, you have work to do. You cannot help others if you’re depleted or resentful. You need to put the oxygen mask on first. Grounding yourself and meditating are acts of self-love. Why? Because in taking the time for either, you’re saying you value your sanity and peace of mind above all else. That’s incredibly self-loving. Boundaries are an act of self-love as is saying “no” when you really need the time for yourself. Both show that you matter to yourself and that you value your time and your energy. The more you can release the ideas that you’re supposed to sacrifice yourself for others, the more you can fill yourself with love. Walking away from the phone/computer and stopping the spin of comparing yourself to others and what you see they’re doing, is an act of self-love. Remember, people are very deliberate in what they show on social media, it’s not always the truth. Know that you will find your way, your timing, and your path as you need for you, versus how anyone else did it. Self-love doesn’t need to just be taking a bath when you want or reciting positive affirmations; if you expand the definition, you notice that your actions throughout the day all answer the question of how much love you give to yourself. If you continually put yourself in a situation that makes you miserable, that’s not self-loving, that’s self-punishing. Isn’t it time to stop the punishment? Who does it serve? No one. Least of all you. Stop trying to make amends for something you did, or for carrying on a pattern that got set from when you were little. Forgive yourself (another act of self-love), for the past and move forward with a new outlook on your reality, one that says you’re worthy and deserving of love towards yourself. You came to this planet to learn and grow and expand yourself as a soul. Not for hardship and struggle and to beat yourself up. Love yourself now the way you would a tiny kitten or a puppy or a baby. You are as deserving of that gentle love and consideration as anything/anyone else. Treat yourself as such.
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AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
February 2025