Are you spiritual enough?
Now that I got your attention, the answer is unequivocally YES! Spirituality is not a competition, yet it seems that lately people are trying to outdo each other in how well they meditate or visualize or say their mantras. There seems to be an almost disdain if you do conventional exercise over yoga. Now let me say, these things in and of themselves are fantastic, but you can’t feel badly if you don’t do them, or if you’re not drawn to them; everyone has their thing. For some people, it will be chanting, for another, mantra based meditation, for another, focus on chakras. There’s no right or wrong. What works for you? Without guilt! Because if you’re guilted into it, it won’t last. And here’s the other thing, you may only like one technique. That’s OK! You don’t need to prove how spiritual you are by doing a myriad of things. Only do what you know you will be consistent with and that brings you positive results. Anyone who says certain people are more spiritual then others, is in their negative ego. That is not enlightened. We are all equally spiritual, it’s just that some people put more focus on their spirituality. Same with people who use spirituality as an excuse to feel better then another person; that’s certainly not evolved. Just because someone meditates, does yoga, talks to Angels, etc., doesn’t mean they’re better then someone who simply takes the time to be in nature and feel connected. And most certainly, run, run away, from anyone who tells you that their way, is the only way, because that’s a giant lie. There are as many paths to personal growth and evolving as there are people. God/Goddess/The Universe won’t love you more if you do x vs y. Here’s another piece of information that can be hard to digest – just because someone is “spiritual” and doing “spiritual” work, doesn’t mean they’re a good person. There are plenty of people who hide behind the guise of spirituality and are still filled with their negative ego and competition etc. and they don’t actually do the work required to evolve and grow. This one continues to shock me every so often when I go to a workshop filled with people who are supposedly doing the work, and then when you really look closer, they’re stuck in their own rage or blame. So if you ever get a bad feeling, and your instincts are telling you to walk away from a “spiritual” class, leave! Trust your instincts. The Universe doesn’t play favorites. If you’ve been doing the work and you’re not having results, you are not a failure. There may be something deeper that you’re learning, or the outcome will appear in a timing that’s more right for you, and sometimes we’re never supposed to know the why, as maddening as that can be. Keep doing what feels good and trusting that ultimately you will be lead to exactly where you need, with the people who can best help. And also, you’re human. You’re here to learn and grow, not be perfect. What?!!!! Yes you heard me correctly, there is no such thing as perfection, so stop trying to attain it. Just live the best life for you. We all came in with issues to overcome. And they may show up in various ways throughout the years. Just because you worked on your ie: control or self-pity in great detail and suddenly it rears it’s head again, doesn’t mean you haven’t done the work, it means you are now hitting a deeper level to heal. That’s OK! That’s part of being human. Ever evolving, ever growing and changing, while deepening our connection to ourselves and Source energy. And one last thing for those in a personal growth business, you are not a failure if your classes don’t fill up or sell out to the tune of thousands of dollars. Stop comparing yourselves to the new model of success many are touting in the personal growth world. You have a message, a beautiful one, and it deserves to be heard. But trust yourself in how that unfolds. Don’t compare yourself to how others are doing it. This applies to all of you. Stop comparing. You are ENOUGH! You are good enough and OMG spiritual enough so just focus on being the best you that you can possibly be. That’s my go-to phrase and all I focus on. That is all you can control anyway. And when you desire to help others, “do for one what you wish you could do for everyone.” Great quote by Andy Stanley. You got this. You are enough. Own it. The world needs your sparkle.
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AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
February 2025