That’s a doozy, isn’t it?! Sometimes it’s the absolute hardest thing to do, and yet, it’s the thing that will release you. Ask yourself what you can actually be responsible for changing in yourself and your reality, and where you need to accept a person or situation for exactly as it is, versus fighting to change/fix it. Like the serenity prayer: (Substitute “God” for Universe, Source, Divinity, Goddess- whatever speaks to you) God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference. When you stop fighting what is, and you accept it for what it is, you can find your freedom. Not what you hope it will be, not what you wish it would be, simply acceptance of what is. Yeah, I get it- easier said than done sometimes! And I’m not saying roll over in apathy or don’t work to create a different outcome. You need the discernment to know what you need to accept and what you need to change. Ask yourself what color you think acceptance is. There are no wrong answers. Right now, think of what color you think acceptance is. Think of a situation or person in your personal life that you’re having a really hard time accepting. Imagine flowing that color into that situation or person. You’re not flowing it to change them, because they may not change. You’re flowing it to change your perception of them and where the lack of acceptance is holding you prisoner in your reality. Once that’s complete, ask yourself what you most need, beyond acceptance. Maybe it’s rest, maybe it’s creative time, maybe it’s being out in nature or exercising, or maybe, it’s the strength and courage to take action to heal the situation or relationship. After all, nothing changes until you do. Accept that.
Jackson L.
7/13/2022 09:53:02 am
Acceptance has probably been the number one guiding tenet that has informed my life.
7/13/2022 10:08:25 pm
Yes yes!
7/21/2022 10:07:26 pm
This is great! I loved the idea of coming up with a color for acceptance. That's such a beautiful, easy and accessible way for people to find the right vibration of energy for whatever they're wanting to accept. Brilliant! You also made me laugh with your ending, "Accept that." How perfect!!
12/21/2022 06:01:07 pm
Needed this reminder today!!! Thank you, thank you!!! 😊💗💗💗
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AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
February 2025