How many times do you hold a door for a stranger, give a compliment to someone, refuse to bad mouth a friend, pick up trash on the sidewalk? These are acts of the Quiet Revolution; the desire to change the world one little step at a time. It can seem things are overwhelmingly negative right now, so how do you fight back? Little acts of kindness and courtesy. This matters.
You may ask, “in the grand scheme of things, how is my holding the door open for a stranger going to save the world?” How? Because you just sent out a bit of love, a bit of caring, and that can have exponentially positive effects. When you pick up a piece of trash by the ocean or turn off the water while you brush your teeth, no one else may ever know, but you will. You will know you contributed to the well being of the planet, to those around you. Every little action matters, and you have absolute choice in whether to participate or not. The Quiet Revolution won’t gain you fame, but it will gain you self-confidence, self-worth, knowing you matter and you made a difference, for you, and for your reality, without anyone else ever knowing. That’s character. And that is how to face yourself and own a greater level of self-love. It’s called Quiet because it’s not boastful, that would be the opposite of the intended effect. It’s not about ego; it’s about how you quietly change your reality, and all reality, by your little actions. So notice, regardless of being thanked or acknowledged, can you smile at a stranger, allow a car to merge when you’re in a hurry, be conscious of the water you use, walk away from a judgmental discussion? Every time you do, you participate. So join the revolution, voice your intended caring and compassion by your little daily actions. The world thanks you.
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AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
January 2025