In 2005, Lazaris (a channeled entity) gave us a map for healing emotions called, "The Tiers of Emotion." It’s a process by which you climb the ladder of emotions from the most constrictive and heavy, to the most light and freeing. It’s a tool for acknowledging and healing what you’re feeling in order to raise your emotional vibration. Some of you may be familiar with the Abraham-Hicks Emotional Guidance scale. It’s very similar to the Lazaris one: slight differences, same concept. The Tiers of Emotion© Love Happiness & Wonder Passion & Compassion Trust & Hope Enthusiasm Optimism Satisfaction/Contentment/Well-Being Boredom & Impatience Frustration & Confusion Worry & Doubt Self-Pity Guilt & Sadness Pessimism Anger Fear Hurt Jealousy/Envy Blame Rage (Hate/Vengeance) Loneliness Despair How to use: Whenever you’re in the throes of an emotion, look at the scale and determine where you are. Name the feeling. Naming it helps you to own it. The key is not to judge where you are emotionally, but to accept it: don’t see the emotion as bad or wrong. When you can accept and own what you’re feeling, then you’re able to give it a voice in order to more easily move through it. Plus, in owning it, you release your resistance to feeling it. Simply state for example, “Right now I feel despair.” Now you have to feel the emotion; let yourself go there fully. You can only heal emotions by diving into them completely. What is the despair about? Feel it, experience it, vent it. You can talk about it to yourself or write about it; go fully in. This doesn’t have to take long, but you do need to honor what it’s trying to express. When you’ve released the despair thoroughly, you can climb the ladder to either loneliness or rage. As you climb, you can only do so one or two steps at a time; never more than two. Why? Because you wouldn’t be able to authentically jump vibrations faster. If you tried, you’d be denying the truth of what each step is trying to show you. Plus, if you’re truly in a rage, there is no way you could jump immediately to optimism. That is why the statement, “Just be positive!” can be discounting of what you’re experiencing. Back to our example: let’s say loneliness really doesn’t resonate with you but oh, rage does. And remember, rage isn't always loud, sometimes it can be silent; a rage that’s so powerful there are no words. That rage can play out in apathy or exhaustion. So now at rage, vent it. What about this situation/experience causes rage? Feel it fully. When it’s complete, climb to the next emotion, and maybe it’s blame. Within blame is sense of powerlessness- "it’s their fault." This is also where you may find your victim story, your feelings of righteousness against others, or maybe self-blame. Whatever comes up, delve into it. Now be aware that as you excavate emotions, you may hear a voice saying for example, that blame isn’t enlightened or whatever other excuses it comes up with. Do not listen. That is the ego mind trying to stop you from diving deep into the feeling to clear it. This scale is designed to heal the emotions. Get out of your head and into your feelings. In the lower tier, blame is a numbing agent. We sometimes stay stuck there to not feel our other emotions, especially the rage, loneliness and despair below it. Just be conscious that if you start there, make sure you aren’t denying a deeper emotion. As you climb, once you’ve released hurt or fear, you can leap to the middle tier, into anger. Even though anger may feel heavy, it’s a much lighter vibration than rage or jealousy etc. If you’re not feeling anger and you cleared fear, you can go to pessimism. Honor what’s true for you; again, one or two steps at a time. In the 2nd tier, self-pity is the numbing agent. Similar to blame, it’s a place where powerlessness and your victim story can thrive. If you feel self-pity first, check if you’re avoiding what’s below it. And maybe you’re not, maybe self-pity truly is what you feel. If so, go into the “poor me” feelings you have. Self-denial, and the, “it’s fine” when it’s really not, hides here as does overwhelm, refusing to receive, and self-punishment. In the 2nd tier, some of the emotions have two names; see which is most true for you in the moment. Maybe you’re not feeling sadness but you sure feel guilt. Or maybe worry is what you can tap into versus doubt. It’ll change depending on the situation so honor the truth of the moment. As you climb into the upper tier, you need to stop at well-being first. Now, that might be as far as you can go on a certain day. That’s fantastic, at least you raised your resonance high enough to get up there. If you can keep going, wonderful, if you can’t, feel into well-being/contentment and just let that live in you. On a side note, apropos to right now, if you’re feeling anxiety that could mean you have too much energy in the future, or it could also be the denial of an emotion. For today’s discussion, let’s excavate the emotion: most likely it’s fear. What fear are you not acknowledging? Go to fear on the tier, and dive into it. When you’re done, climb up to anger and see if maybe what you’re really angry at is that you don’t feel safe, or that your safety is being threatened. It may not always be fear, but the majority of the time that's what’s below the anxiety. It could also be worry, or anger: it could be the denial of a myriad of emotions. Feel into the anxiety and see what it wants to say. And if you get no response, start with fear. Back to the Tiers, there is one addition I would add that while not in the Lazaris version, it is in Abraham-Hicks one: on the upper tier, along with love are the emotions of joy and appreciation. While there are subtle differences in those energies, ultimately joy and appreciation open the heart the way love does. They are incredibly high resonances. So if you can’t tap into love, tap into joy or appreciation. The more you use this ladder to climb from wherever you are on the bottom to the top, the more elegantly you'll process and move through your emotions. Some days it may take awhile to climb, and other days you’ll be able to climb up quite quickly. Allow this to be a powerful tool you can add to your tool belt to help you release the constricting emotions holding you down so that you can raise your energy and vibration to experience a more joyful reality. To download a copy of The Tiers of Emotion, click below:
Thank You to Concept Synergy for allowing me to share this with you all!
Tiers of Emotion by Lazaris, Copyright 2005, Concept: Synergy, Inc. The Lazaris Material is produced by Concept: Synergy, PO Box 1789, Sonoma, CA 95476 1. 800.678.2356 or 407.401.8990 Email: [email protected]
5/29/2020 08:48:29 am
I LOVE this! Thank you. Excited for another “tool for my tool belt.”
6/3/2020 06:37:14 pm
Sue, you are so welcome!!! It's such a great tool to have! xo
6/7/2023 09:08:40 am
This is AMAZING!! Thank you! I'm going to try it for sure! 💙💙
6/9/2023 11:22:54 am
This is amazing, thank you! Putting it into practice right now! 🙏🏻
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AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
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