There's been a theme of personal crisis in sessions this week and last week, with traumas front and center. Many of us are feeling the intensity of these times. The energy of change is causing us to feel unsettled, confused, at our limit, and like everything is upside down.
As my fellow healer Brynne Dippell says, “Great change is upon us. Massive, fundamental change, in which the very foundations of our lives are shaking apart.” If you're not feeling what I named above, just save this blog for if you ever need it. If you are, know that you're not alone. I created a new YouTube to help with panic attacks. It’ll help anxiety and fear too. You don't have to be in the midst of a panic attack to listen, you can use it whenever you’re feeling out of sorts. For those of you who prefer to read rather than watching, the process is below. For all of you, be extra gentle with yourself and rest as often as needed. Self-care is a priority when the chaos gets amplified and boy oh boy is it amplified! Process to heal Panic Attacks, Fear, and Anxiety: ~Put one hand over your forehead and one over the back of your neck. This will calm the vagus nerve, your fight or flight response. (To learn more, click here) ~Breathe. ~Squeeze your toes. ~Look at the clock. State the time and the date out loud. State your name and age out loud. This will begin to bring you into present time. ~Touch the place of panic. Maybe the heart or stomach- it could be anywhere, or a combination of places. Begin to gently tap the place/places. Then say to that area, “Body, we are safe. In present moment present time, we can be safe.” ~Do the left ear tapping (click here for a reminder). ~Imagine roots growing from your feet, deep into the earth. Imagine a huge tree trunk growing from the base of your spine to the center of the planet, where it will hook in. Imagine all the frenetic energy in your body releasing down these grounding cords, helping to soothe and calm your body. ~Now imagine yourself cocooned in a huge, beautiful ball of light of your favorite color. As if you’re in the middle of a snow globe. Allow this cocoon of light to hold your body in a safe and sacred space. ~Breathe deeply into the abdomen, as best you can. Place one hand on your lower abdomen and on the inhale, extend your lower abdomen outward. On the exhale, allow your abdomen to relax. Do this a few times. ~Tapping again, let’s Ho'oponopono the area holding the anxiety, fear, or panic. Say to that area: “I love you body. I'm so sorry we're experiencing this energy. I forgive and release whatever is stuck here. Thank you for helping me.” Repeat that. ~Still tapping, say: “It's safe for me to come back to myself, even in the midst of panic. It's safe for me to connect to myself, even in the midst of this panic. It's safe for me to love myself, even in the midst of this panic. It's safe for me to begin to anchor back into my body, even in the midst of this panic." ~Feel that grounding cord and if it would help, imagine that grounding cord growing upwards, encasing your whole body in a rooted place of safety. For some, that will feel soothing and calming, for others, restrictive. Do what’s right for you! ~ Continuing to tap, say: “I take my power back from this panic. I choose to begin to feel safe. I choose to experience safety in present time. It's safe for me to ground out all of this remaining panic now. Even if I don't have all the answers, it's safe for me to begin to root into my body in present time. I forgive and release all of this energy that’s stirred up and I choose to ground it out now. I forgive and release anything tying me to the past and I choose to ground it out now. I forgive and release anything creating panic from the future, and I choose to anchor into the now.” ~If you can’t connect to yourself or your body yet, that’s ok. Imagine you’re under a beautiful blue waterfall of light- your favorite shade of blue. Let it flow down your nervous system and throughout your entire body, flushing out any energies that aren’t allowing a state of calm. Anything that no longer serves you. Close your eyes and feel that waterfall helping you match a state of calm. Do this for as long as you need. Let it run through the muscles as well, releasing any tension. ~If the area is still amped up, tap the area of upset again. Say, “I love and accept you.” Whatever you can’t accept will get stuck like glue in your space. So even though it doesn’t feel good, the energy of acceptance will begin to dissipate it. Whatever got stirred up is scared; we want to soothe those parts of ourselves. ~Continue tapping and saying out loud: “You are not bad and wrong. You are worthy and deserving of love. I love and accept you. I forgive and release whatever remaining energy is stuck here, keeping me separate from myself. I love and accept myself.” Even if you hear parts of you opposing your words, say them anyway. Repeat multiple times. ~Wrap yourself in a hug. Literally put your arms around yourself and hug yourself. Then rub your arms and legs. When you panic, you swirl up and out of your body. Touch will help bring you in. ~If there’s still residue, go take a walk or an Epsom salt bath. Do something that feels good to you. You can also use Bach flower remedies. Skip to the 15 minute mark in the video and I show you 3 different ones that are beautifully effective! May this help you tremendously!!
3/6/2024 02:38:58 pm
Timing is everything and your timing is PERFECT!!!! As always 😄
Tina G
3/27/2024 10:14:38 am
Yay Emma! I'm so glad!!
3/6/2024 02:56:52 pm
Wow, taking a breath because I have been feeling the chaos so much. It's been making me just want to sleep. I thought something was wrong with me. It helps to know I'm not alone.
Tina G
3/27/2024 10:15:22 am
Nothing is wrong with you. It's been a lot! Glad it was helpful!!
3/6/2024 03:33:47 pm
Fabulous as always!
Tina G
3/27/2024 10:15:48 am
Yay Lizzie, I'm so glad!! Thank You!
Sarah J.
3/6/2024 05:52:20 pm
Thank you ❤️🙏🏻
Tina G
3/27/2024 10:16:03 am
You're so welcome!
3/6/2024 06:03:51 pm
Hi Tina,
Tina G
3/27/2024 10:17:14 am
Aww thanks Paul! Yeah, it's intense right now! But we will come out the other side! :)
12/18/2024 12:49:26 pm
This is perfect for the holidays- thanks so much! 💗
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AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
February 2025