Today I’m sharing a technique for those occasions when you’re undecided between two options. I know I recently wrote a blog about what could be underneath indecision (see here), and truly we always know the answer inside, but sometimes stuff gets in the way of us accessing that knowing. When faced with choices that seemingly could be good for different reasons, here’s a way to gain clarity. This will help you feel your intuition’s wisdom.
You can use this for a job, a move, - really anything. Here’s what you do: Set aside two chairs, side by side with a good amount of space between them. Grab two small pieces of paper and a pen. On one piece of paper, write the name of one option. Keep it simple, just the title you want to give it. While you’re holding that paper, think about all the different aspects of that particular option. For example, if it’s a job, infuse it with the location, the people who’ve met so far, your title- anything you know already. Think about all of that and imagine that energy flowing into the paper. When you’ve really infused it with every aspect of that option, set it down on a chair. Then pick up the other piece of paper and do the same thing with the second option. Put it on a different chair. Now, close your eyes and while standing or sitting on a chair without any paper on it, feel your feet on the floor. Imagine roots growing from your feet down into the center of the planet and imagine a strong root/cord/tree trunk growing from your tailbone down to the center of the planet. Hook those roots from both areas in. Bring your attention back to your body. Pull all of your energy tightly into the center of your body with every inhale.* Put your hand over your stomach and sink your awareness there. We want your gut wisdom engaged, not your conscious mind. Take a few deep breaths. When you’re ready, open your eyes, pick up your papers, shuffle them without looking, and then place them face down on each chair. This will prevent any pre-conceived ideas about which choice is “right,” as well as any negative ego interference. Once you have both pieces of paper on different chairs, sit down on one of the chairs, and notice either overt, or subtle things, that you start feeling. Does your body feel lighter? Heavier? Do you feel happy? Angry? Do you want to stay seated or are you wanting to get up quickly? Notice everything that comes up, even the very faint sensations. Nothing happening can be a sign too. Or it can mean you’re over-thinking and not feeling. You’ll know which it is when you move on to chair two. When you’ve gotten some awareness, stand up, and literally shake off that energy. Move your whole body: shake out your arms and legs and even jump a couple times. Then ask yourself to come back to neutral. Briefly ground again, breath, center, then tap your heart area and drink some water. When you’re neutral, sit on the next chair and do the same thing; notice what comes up. If on both chairs you feel nothing, then you’re not in your body. You need to root in and open your gut intuition to receive your answers. Ground more deeply or do something physical to anchor into yourself. Then try again. Be patient, maybe you’re out of body more than you realize. That itself is a good message to receive. Even if it’s subtle, you should be able to tell which chair you prefer to sit on. That will be your answer. Your gut intuition will not lie when it comes to sitting on the energy. Your innate intelligence knows the answer, let it speak. When you’ve chosen which chair you prefer, turn the papers over and see the answer. By the way, sometimes you might be bummed with the answer. What a clue! You knew all along what you wanted. But your body isn’t lying so either you misinterpreted something, or your need to explore one option is stronger than what your gut says. In those cases, just know that going in. As you work with this, let me know if you have any questions. May this bring you incredible clarity and insights. * See previous blogs on grounding if you're unfamiliar with how to do what I'm describing.
7/14/2021 09:26:06 am
PERFECT timing!!!! Omg- just perfect! I’ll try this later and report back. Thank you Tina!
Tina G
7/17/2021 09:55:28 am
Great Annie, so happy! Let me know if it helped!
7/20/2021 08:48:55 pm
wow, powerful!!! thank you!
Tina G
7/28/2021 01:36:32 pm
Thank you W.!!!
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AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
February 2025