Today I’m sharing a story to illustrate why I’m always telling you that you are responsible for your reality and your personal power:
This past week I was having a lovely Wednesday, everything was falling into place effortlessly and every errand was easy. Then I got to a grocery store that I hadn’t been to since the start of the pandemic. I was in a line for a bit, didn’t see any door monitor, and watched as a person would enter the store when someone else would come out. When it was my turn, as I was about to enter the store, the person who was supposed to be monitoring the door came running over and screamed at me because unbeknownst to me, the person who walked out was an employee dressed in regular street clothes. She did not say this nicely, she laid into me. It was shocking, and I calmly explained that how could I know the situation? She stormed off. Then I went into the store and asked an employee a question and the employee was phenomenally rude. At that point, I lost all neutrality; I was furious and just wanted out of there. I grabbed the few items I needed and left. I knew I had to clear my space, as I remind all of you, as I could still feel the attack energy from the first person. I said the Archangel Michael prayer and separated out energy, but I still felt awful. I was grumbling and bitching to myself and to my husband via text, that they just ruined my day. And then it occurred to me, why was I giving them the power to ruin my day? It was MY day and it had been going wonderfully. I needed to take responsibility. Now, am I saying I was responsible for her flying off the handle at me? No! Clearly, she and the other girl were going through something and taking it out on me. I could have continued to take it personally and let it ruin more of my day, but then I would be giving them the keys to my sanity. Uh, no thanks! Neither of them were worth it. So, I 1: Started smacking them all out of my space- literally smacking their energy out, while saying authoritatively to, "Get out of my space!" Remember- own your crown chakra, own your authority. No one else can be in your space unless you let them. I lobbed both their energies out of my space and back to them (I first cleared it nicely, sent it to the Universe, but that didn’t do it. Sometimes a person leaves their imprint on you and you need to send it back, like you’re playing tennis/baseball/golf). 2: I then imagined cutting all cords of energy between us- all communications, all energy exchange. 3: I started sucking my power back in, repeatedly, until I felt lighter. (I wrote extensively about taking your power back in my previous blog. Read here to learn the technique.) 4: I started proclaiming that it was my day and therefore I was choosing that the rest of it would be easy and elegant. After doing these, I completely shifted the remainder of my day; it was back to being wonderful. I owned/created my reality by my response. That’s what I mean by taking responsibility and taking your power back (which is being empowered). I think this is important to remember because it’s not only in big ways that you give your power away, it’s the daily little things. You choose how you react in circumstances and who you give the keys to your peace of mind. Choose wisely! If someone awful comes in and tries to take your peace, don’t let them! You are responsible for your reaction and your energy. Same with the past: are you still letting someone/something in the past determine your reality now? Do the techniques listed; stop dragging the past forward. And if the four steps above aren’t enough, go into a rage bubble, journal it, scream it in a safe way or beat your bed with a pillow. Get it out of you. Remind yourself – “I create my reality." Own your personal power now.
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AuthorMe, Tina Germain, just sharing ways to make you the best you can be! Archives
February 2025